And how are you going to do that? You say actions are louder than words and vice versa but don’t actually say what you’re going to do or make any suggestions.
Typing is a Verb, and an action. I’m typing words on the internet on this site.
Sometimes the small things in life matter the most. They definitely add up, and sometimes, the big things are better than the small things.
It is. But we need to be careful with Bernie style justice. Where the government decides who can say what, who can do what and who gets to keep what. Government officials are not morally superior hedge fund managers. The less power we give them, the better.
Corruption= Democrat Politicians getting away with forcing the American people to pay for everything, for anyone that wishes to come into the country Illegally.
Maybe the Democrat Politicians slogan for 2020 should simply be; Come To America No Matter Where you’re From! Everything is Free!