Felony and hate crime to deface an American flag?

Oh and thought crimes aka hate crimes are an abomination
Entance them for premeditation not just what’s in someone’s head

should not steal flags.


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we dont need the thought police.


Yet that is what we have.

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He took someone’s property and destroyed it, gay or otherwise. The LGBCDEFG group was backed by more money than this chooch so his legal representation probably encouraged him to plead guilty.
Money talks in court. I don’t give a ■■■■ what anyone says to the contrary.

first amendment above all.


Well, I think everyone associated with burning the American flag, vandalizing US property and screaming Allahu Akbark yesterday in DC should have gotten their asses beat with Louisville Sluggers.
I thought it. Hate crime?

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if done by private citizens. assault charges.

people should not assault and batter other people.

its against the law.


So it’s ok for me to think those ■■■■■■■■ should get their arses beat?

I won’t hold it against you.

No of course not. That was my whole point :blush:

Careful, you might be considered a “co-conspirator” :rofl:
But thanks for the props

Yes but you should get a permit first :blush::blush::blush:

A permit to kick ass for someone burning the American Flag. :thinking:
I’m in.

No the permit is for thinking! :upside_down_face:

Just for anyone who jumps into this conversation.

Fair warning - this is all tongue in cheek.

Great!!! Unless you are Trump on Twitter , right?

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The problem with that thin line is even if you were actually doing it in protest, the go to is because of hate in every instance according to that demographic and their supporters. You will never convince some people otherwise.

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I agree on one, but think two can be ok with some common sense IE not mandatory. The problem is some one will abuse it. I don’t have an answer to how to do it without abuse.


I would think that the unauthorized destruction of public property of any kind is a crime…

Oh yeah! Al was a yuuugggeee advocate for Trump’s 1A rights.