FEINSTEIN’S NEXT FIGHT? Dianne Slams Student Loan ‘Forgiveness Program,’ Calls for Probe

Originally published at: https://www.hannity.com/media-room/feinsteins-next-fight-dianne-slams-student-loan-forgiveness-program-calls-for-probe/

Senator Dianne Feinstein escalated her all-out war with the Trump administration this week; bizarrely slamming the Student Loan Forgiveness Program and demanding new information from Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Feinstein posted a scathing letter addressed to DeVos on social media Thursday afternoon, writing “The GAO released a report showing the Department of Education has denied loan forgiveness to an alarming 99.6% of individuals who applied to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. This is deeply troubling and we’re calling on Betsy DeVos to release more information.”

The Senator’s newest demand comes just days after she led a Democrat boycott of the Judiciary Committee; walking-out as Republicans moved to confirm a series of federal judges ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.