Federal discovery opened on whether Clinton Intentionally Used Private Email to ‘skirt FOIA’

If Barr is doing it right, Obama’s Deepstate to include silly Hillary will be in the fetal position crying nightly with the anticipation of being indicted for their heinous crimes against the American people.


Mifsud will square away poor Mueller!:rofl:

What are the specific crimes?

What does it matter; the conspiracies will spew endlessly.

I’ll say one thing for you, you’re sure not one to give up on a horse just because he’s dead.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Flynn.

From sworn testimony before Congress:

Rep. Nadler: “The President has repeatedly claimed that your report found that there was no obstruction and the it completely and totally exonerated him. But that is not what your report said, is it?”
Mueller: “Correct. That is not what the report said.”

*Rep. Demings: “Lies by Trump campaign officials and administration officials impeded your investigation.”
Mueller: “I would generally agree with that.”

So your position is that a serial liar who refused to testify under oath is credible while the testimony of a former Marine given under oath at risk of perjury is not.

You are free to believe whatever you wish, but please refrain from insulting me for siding with the Marine. I won’t insult you either but let people decide for themselves which party is more likely telling the truth.

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Trump campaign officials, not Trump.

Mueller, poor thing.

You’re ignoring the fact the investigations are not over, why?

So in your opinion, the head of an organization bears no responsibility for the actions of those acting under them. We can all see how unwilling Trump is to delegate authority.

You have to do better than that!

Is that what Chesty Mueller said in his SWORN TESTIMONY?

He didn’t say what you said and now you’re trying to rationalize that he did or that’s what he “meant”.

Trump (nor anybody else for that matter) is under any obligation to help the FBI make a case against themselves. What did that jack wagon Comey tell Flynn? “Nah, you don’t need a lawyer.” And Flynn was the fool who trusted him.

Trump doesn’t have to prove he is innocent and he doesn’t have to “help” those conspiring scumbag suits.


Whereas Hillary Clinton, for example, spent hours testifying in front of congressional committee without blinking.

You’re kidding yourself, Dude.

The FBI wasn’t trying to get her and she knew it.

No I’m not. Just wondering what your thoughts were about what specific crimes were committed.

Lols, so only the “FBI” is able to get her?

This was about Benghazi, BTW.

Where did the email investigation originate? BTW?

Irrelevant. Did Clinton refuse to testify at any time about her actions as an Obama official?

The fact that FBI chose not to prosecute her for crimes she may or may not have intentional committed is another matter.

Trump’s DOJ can pick that ball back up any time they wish, and I couldn’t care less.

Spying for starters.

After Republicans have been running the DOJ for over 2 1/2 years, Hillary hasn’t been prosecuted.

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Yeah, well forget that one.
The FBI testified in federal court that there was no evidence of spying by the Obama administration.
And the Director of the FBI testified the same in front of Congress.