Fed Cut the Rate

So the Fed cut the rate by a quarter point. DOW dropped 333 points. I’m sure Trump will be complaining either tonight or tomorrow about how we needed a bigger cut to help the greatest economy ever. But on the bright side, Trump will get to tout breaking 27,000 again. Probably.


From the article:

‘‘He noted both positive and negative economic developments since June, saying that trade tensions have returned to a simmer from a boil.’’

If Trump would stop screwing with the economy, it would be OK. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.

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What was the tax cut supposed to do again?

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Take away the trade tensions and watch the stock market resume its upward trajectory. That’s my guess. But I can’t take credit, because it’s also the guess of everyone else on the planet.

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Payback to his rich backers and a nice bonus for himself after office.


Follow the money, look at who got the greatest benefit. This isn’t rocket science.

If economics was rocket science, then all of our economists would be out of work.

If an economist predicts something long enough, eventually it will come true. :wink:

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And our fearless leader weighs in:



It’s amazing how everyone else is bad at their job but him.

Also, we were only at 2.5%. How freakin agressive can you be with rate cuts when the rate is already that low?

If on Halloween I put a mini Snickers in a kid’s bag and he demands the full-sized, then I am going to commit my first child-related theft, because that child is leaving my house with no candy.



Trump inherits <5% unemployment and in less than 3 years doubled the deficit and the Fed is cutting rates.



I am just glad that Trump doesn’t control the Fed. And it must really bug him.
I really didn’t think that they would go for a cut at this time. So many experts are saying that we are on the brink of another recession. If we are, it doesn’t need a push.

And the market will probably go up in a day or two and we will wait for the next 300 point drop to bump this thread.

I predict that the market will go up or down.


Don’t worry, if a democrat wins in 2020 the GOP can go back to standing behind a debt clock declaring it a crisis.


He’s doing amazingly well for someone who doesn’t know what he’s doing! Jedi economics?

Trump just likes the sound of “trickle down”.

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I didn’t say this

Really? Who did, then?