"Fauxcohontas" has no sympathy for the college scammers

WOW! Very profound from someone who lied about a Native American minority status to obtain a professorship at a college!

This never happened. But don’t let that stop you.

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Hmmm, so are you saying Trump should not comment on military policy because “Bone Spurs” faked his way out of going to Vietnam?


Childish names and false statements. Cool story.

I think some people get told by their parents how clever they are, when they’re little. And to their detriment, they believe it.

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Yeah, they are supposed to grow up eventually though. Must be the milk these days.

It is okay because Felicity’s daughter is going into politics like Lizzy did

Soy milk?

Who knows.

She’s from Massachusetts dude. There’s plenty of pot meet kettle to go around here for everyone! This doesn’t surprise me.

But as for Warren, she told a tale she really didn’t need to tell about her family recounted heritage. LBJ amended the reasonable non discrimination of Affirmative Action of JFK to include women. She would have been a professor at Hahvahd whether she claimed American Indian, white, or declined to identify her race.

Wow! Very Untrue!

She’s a classic hypocrite. What she did was no different then what those other elitist snobs did.

Since didn’t have the wealth to buy her way in she lied her way in.

What specific laws did Elizabeth Warren break by her actions?

Why is it that none of the institutions she entered are on record stating that she was hired specifically because she claimed Native status, aka broke those laws, without their knowledge?

She became a Harvard Law Professor regardless what she marked on some form.

But it did come to pass that institutions were more than happy to exploit her mistakenly claimed Native American status for their own benefits.

Why does this concern you? Trump used his wealth and lied his way into the presidency, you applaud him for that. Why do these folks make you so upset?

You mean like Trump who lied his way out of the draft?

Has anyone who is actually registered with an indigenous tribe come out of the woodwork to say they didn’t get to be a Hahvahd professor because of Elizabeth Warren?

AFAIK No one fitting that description has made such a claim, and Warren as a woman would have been appointed, anyway, which is why I called get worked up over the whole claim of indigenous heritage.

A little history here. JFK → Affirmative Action. Not exactly… when the Civil Rights Act that was introduced in 1963 was not passed until LBJ was President.

Yesterday we had a poster attack Trump’s NYC values, when Donald Trump can hardly get a vote in New York. Now ad hominem attacks on Massachusetts. So after you’ve peeked at a history like Tyler Branch’s “Parting the Waters” maybe you’ll check up on the Pledge of Allegiance – “One Nation” … that sort of thing.

“Now ad hominem attacks on Massachusetts”.

I’m living here.

Behaviors like insulting southerners as racist when the Boston Bus Riots didn’t obviously take place in Birmingham & insulting them as poor & dependent on “blue state largesse” when I meet far more begging for handouts here are common among lifelong residents.

Are some Trump supporters criticizing others for lying? Pathetic.