FARAGE BARRAGE: UK’s Nigel Farage Launches New Political Party After Brexit Breakdown

Originally published at: FARAGE BARRAGE: UK’s Nigel Farage Launches New Political Party After Brexit Breakdown | Sean Hannity

One of the United Kingdom’s strongest Brexit proponents launched a new party this week; unveiling the official ‘Brexit Party’ after Theresa May’s government failed to fulfill its promise to leave the European Union.

Nigel Farage -a staunch ally of President Trump- addressed supporters Friday and vowed to kick-off a new campaign ahead of next month’s European Parliament election.

“What we’ve seen over the course of the last few weeks is the willful betrayal of the greatest democratic exercise in the history of this nation,” said Farage in Coventry, England. “We are lions led by donkeys.”

We deserve so much better than the politicians we currently have.

Britain needs The Brexit Party, and The Brexit Party needs you. pic.twitter.com/odNjerJ022

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) April 12, 2019

“Farage, 55, has been a thorn in the side of the ruling Conservative Party since former Prime Minister David Cameron took office in 2010. His brand of uncompromising euroskepticism tempted senior Tory politicians to defect to UKIP, which shocked the political establishment in 2014 by winning the popular vote in the European Parliament elections of that year,” reports Yahoo News.

Read the full report here.