Fallout 4: Survival Mode

The trick to New Vegas on the 360 is to make sure to save and reload every couple hours. It’s playing for long stretches that corrupted the save file. They may have patched that bug out by this point, actually. I beat it three times on the 360.

As for The Witcher, I played The Witcher 2 like six years ago and while I liked it, there was a definite sense that a large portion of it was flying straight over my head. It wasn’t until I read the books-which are better than Game of Thones by the by-that the third became a truly transcendent game. The Polish dudes who made it clearly are obsessed with the books and it has he unmistakable aura of a game made by real humans because they loved it.


Logan’s Journal, 2287 ???

Worked some more today on scraping useful materials in and around Sanctuary Hills today. I found a root cellar behind one of the houses with some supplies that others must have missed. Under the bed was this empty journal and I thought it might be good to help me keep track of things in this new world I find myself in.

I know I just came out of the vault a short time ago but I the days are currently running together. From scavenged parts I was able to make a radio beacon and one settler has shown up. Doesn’t seem to be much of a fighter so he is working to grow some melons and gourds that had started to grow wild in what used to be to community playground. Said to call him Alex. I need to ask him what the actual date is, Codsworth said I was gone about 210 years in the vault. But he also said is chronometer had taken a few dings.

After getting everything scrounged that I could from Sanctuary, I made a sweep basically north of the eastern part of the lake moving to the northwest and then south to due east of the lake. Found some wild growing fruits and vegetables I could bring back “home” if this is what I get to call it. Finding so much junk it’s hard to carry it all at times, used to be a pretty good jury-rig mechanic in my Army days, have to brush off some old skills and make them better, see what I can do. Got jumped by a lone raider to the north of the lake and then there was another group near some power-lines. Weird beasts out here now, giant flies that spew some nasty crap and – Oh – what appeared to be a giant mutated bear. He’d of kicked my ass so I stayed low and moved around him. Need to better weapon - a 10mm pistol and this jury-rigged .38 cal rifle aren’t going to hack it very long. It’s like being back in the Siberian forest during the last Sino-Anglo dust-up, bide your time and then strike with force. When you are on you own you have to play it careful.

Yesterday I explored to the south by the old Red Rocket Station since Codsworth said there were people in Concord. Found a cave below it with a bunch of weird fungi and glowing mushrooms. Must have gotten scratched or bit by these huge mole rat things as I took sick. Alex showed me how to use some scavenged materials and a stimpak to make Antibiotics, I really needed them. He’s going teach me more about how to prepare foods, medicines, and supplies in this wasteland.

Pushed on into Concord and found survivors hold up in a museum being hounded by more raiders and yelling for help. Was able to work my way up the flank of the attacking party and mostly pick them off from behind and then moved into the building where there were more raiders. Met a guy name Preston who said he was part of the “Minutemen” and he needed my help. But I had to leave to get back “home”, I told them to hold tight and I’d be back the next day.

Arrive back at Sanctuary after dark and Alex was all nervous, said some “Gunners” had been poking around the perimeter and they were bad news. We needed more defense. So I threw together some barricades and found I had enough tubing and parts to build some crude turrets. Figured what the hell let’s see if we could pull them into a kill zone. After the plan was set I worked around the back of some of the houses and attacked with some Molotov Cocktails, well that burned their asses. Funny thing is they stopped standing around talking and chased me back toward the kill barricades and turrets. It was close, damn close but we won. We won! If this world wants a fight, I’ll give it to it.

That’s it for now, need to get some sleep. So tired. So very tired. My God Nora, you’ve been gone for years but for me it’s only been a few days – maybe a week and it hurts so much. I took you out of that dungeon and hopefully you will rest now behind the home that we built together. Shaun, I don’t know where you are or even if you are still alive. But I WILL find you, one way or the other – hold on son - Dad’s coming.


Yep I played Oblivion to death on the Xbox 360. I never did play the first one though morrowind. Oblivion with guns is a good comparison for fallout 3.

Looks like you were right about that.

Blew the crap out of my Christmas plans. Being an old fart I was going to get 76 and headset for the X-Box as my main present. But with the lousy introduction and reviews, I passed.

So I’m just plugging along with F4. With Shadow or Mordor and and Skyrim still in the pipe.


Finally got around to playing Horizon Zero Dawn over the last month. It utterly blew me away with its amazing game play and amazing story. Easily the best game I’ve played in years.

Skipped Fallout 76 as I intended since I don’t do multiplayer online.

There’s been a few games that I wanted to play that have come out this year that I’ve been unable to, as my only gaming device is my linux PC… However, my backlog of games on steam is so long I should really stop buying new games anyways. I swear it’s all those sales. I’m like “XCOM 2 is on sale for 80%? That’s a great deal! It’s supposed to be a good game. I’ll buy it in case I ever feel like opening it.”

This was 3 months ago. I still have 2 minutes of gameplay.

I’ve done this so many times but getting better about not doing it lately. Took me 4 years to get around to finally playing the first Red Dead Redemption once I bought it on a sale. Still waiting for the day to come that I’ll play the first two Bioshocks for my last generation system.

I still have the first Red Dead on a xbox360 in my closet. I haven’t beat it. Should i?

You should definitely play the two bioshocks. Those games are so good.

I’ve never really done realtime online but was going to give 76 a shot as my first foray into that realm.

Well actually I played OGame (MMORPG) about 10 years ago, but found myself OCD’ing lunch and getting up in the middle of the night for timing requirements because the “world” proceeded if you were online or not and said it was to much.

A group from the Hannity forums went over and we started out on clan/co-op/group.


Fallout: New Vegas is the best Fallout. Well, of what I’ve played. I didn’t play the original or the second one.

I love Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 but I’ve struggled to like Vegas. Part of it is because its unplayable on the XBox 360 due to a game killing bug that will freeze your game at about the 30 hr mark (once the save file gets too large your kaput). But even before I got froze up twice I found it boring.

I loved it for a while but the lack of a real fast travel system in it sucks because by the end of the game you’ll be stuck riding your horse back and forth across the map over and over and over and over again. It can be a 5-10 minute ride each way with nothing really to do and gets utterly tedious and very frustrating when the game sends you back and forth for what seems obvious attempts to frustrate you. I trudged through to the ending (which was great) but it was a slog by the end to get there.

As bad as the 360 version was it pales in comparison to the absolute train wreck that was the PlayStation 3 version, my preferred platform. Not only did we have the save corruption problem our version just ran like dog crap at all times. The frame rate never got above 25fps and the second you had more than two NPCs or enemies on screen it slowed to an absolute crawl. Plus the load times were just dreadful despite the fact that most of the game data was installed directly to the HDD, whereas the 360 version loaded just fine streaming from the DVD.

My first fallout was Tactics. It was ok but it’s nothing like 1 or 2 in terms of gameplay. Instead of a pure single adventurer RPG you controlled a team. It played more like Baldur’s Gate than Fallout.

Yeah, I get that. I had it on the PS3 and you couldn’t play for an hour straight without it freezing. I love it, but it is a bit trash.

Huh, yeah I’ve never played that one.

It’s weird. It heavily focuses on the Brotherhood of Steel but it’s been so long since I played it that I can’t even tell you what the story is ultimately about.

Looks like we suffered through the same port.

I actually counted how many times the game froze the system in one week of play. About 20 times.

It was unacceptable. I still slogged through it because as a game New Vegas was fantastic. But as a port it was awful and should have never been released in that state.

Real talk right now…I’m hooked on Smash Bros…
I love my switch!