FACTS NOT FEAR: Global Headlines Claim US Has Biggest Problem with Virus Deaths, Facts Say Otherwise

Originally published at: FACTS NOT FEAR: Global Headlines Claim US Has Biggest Problem with Virus Deaths, Facts Say Otherwise | Sean Hannity

Global headlines around the world claimed the United States has the biggest problem with Coronavirus deaths this week, but the facts say otherwise for those willing to dig deeper.

“Headlines worldwide are announcing that the United States has more coronavirus deaths than any other country. As of early Tuesday morning, Johns Hopkins University reported that the United States had 21,662 deaths. That’s ahead of both Italy (20,465) and Spain (18,056),” reports Town Hall.

“Many use the number of deaths as a measure of how the U.S. is faring relative to other countries, but that is extremely misleading. It would be the same comparing the number of rapes in Sweden and the United States. For example, while Sweden had 5,960 rapes in 2014, the United States had 84,767. But does that mean that a woman was more likely to be raped in the United States? Hardly. The United States has about 33 times more people living in it than Sweden. Sweden’s rape rate per capita is more than twice the rate in the United States,” adds the author.

“It makes no more sense to compare the number of Wuhan coronavirus deaths in the U.S. versus other countries than it does to compare rape rates. But looking at the death rate also isn’t perfect. The length of time of exposure to the virus also matters, and different countries faced exposure at different times. A country that has had been the chance to expose people over months is going to have a lot more potential deaths than a country where exposure has just taken place over a few days,” adds the report.

Read the full article here.