Fact Check: Joe Biden Claims ‘I Am Not Banning Fracking’

Yep…New York is one. And western New York has trillions of NG.

I suspect once all that wealth leaves NY they will tap into it. :wink:

Exactly. I look at his past history on banning firearms. Not what he’s saying now to get elected.

They put up a solar farm on my commute in an area that was turkeys and deers every morning. Now it’s blight that will never make enough energy to even cover the energy it took the make the panels. But Cal dems get big contributions from the solar people so …

Fracking is way more eco friendly…

How how will you change us?

Didn’t joe say coal is dead?

And he went to miners and told them to learn to code. Learn to program.

During a rally yesterday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke to a crowd in Derry, N.H., a town that many miners call home. He acknowledged the economic setbacks and job insecurity that coal miners face these days, and gave them some advice: learn to code.

According to Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Biden said, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well… Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”

Stop mining and get a comp sci degree! Never mind if you have 25 years of experience, learn that Java!

You want to start with Cioran, Ligotti, Kierkegaard or Nietzsche?

I see…so using philosophy to change the hearts and minds.

Libs can’t even live up to basic philosophy in which this nation was founded on.

Why don’t you all start there…

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Uh, no.

Then explain without imposing your beliefs…forcing yourself on people?

I think if you just looked at the four examples, y’know.

Which states and for how long. I know NY is one and that raises a question: The Seneca Nation is Federally Recognized and has three reservations up and around Irving NY and Salamanca NY. Are Aboriginal Lands subject to State and Federal restrictions when it comes to fracking? I’ve been motorcycling around the “Rez” and dropped by the Salamanca offices once to see if they recognized the Mingoes of SW PA & WV. Apparently there’s a greaty great Grandmother on my maternal Grandfather’s side of the family that was a daughter of a Mingo Sachem that went by the name of “Chief Logan”. But, the Senecas didn’t have much, we were told Mingoes are distant from the tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy and never really stayed in one place long enough to have established homelands. Figures, I’d be a descendant of aboriginal gypsies! The M/C riding through the Seneca Lands was great though; I’d go back.

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No need to pledge to ban It as IS shale plays by the small guys is dead. Lift cost we’re shown to be artificially depressed we will now see the GoM start coming back. Watch the little guys start to drop like flies. They have played the banks and hedge funds for suckers by paying them selves huge dividends based on fake lift costs and over inflated reserves. Sadly for the honest players they will be painted with the same brush. Bottom line is, for onshore shale plays, hydraulic fracturing will effectively ban its self

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I see. So post something, anything without any discussion.

I asked YOU how would you change us humans.

Dude(tte), I can’t make you curious.

Cioran, Ligotti, Kierkegaard or Nietzsche. That’s the answer and the clue.

And I can’t make you independent thinker either.

A pretty silly and incurious reaction, given who I offered as an answer and a clue.


Also seems he won’t need to ban fracking as there will be a shortage of people to work in the business

Similar sentiments. Most of mid sized shale companies were already up their eyeballs in debt from 2014-2016 and they were servicing their debt @ $50/bbl, but not much else and wages and jobs never really came back . Natural gas is @ $2.50/mcf, about half of what it needs to be profitable. Shale plays seem to need at least $65/bbl to be profitable, seems like it’s been a big shell game for the last 10 years with everybody overstating their reserves and production to get more loans to finance new operations.

The majors started laying off last October, they knew they were overproducing and there was going to be a drop in prices, that was pre Covid and KSA collapsing the market.

Shale can be profitable at higher oil prices but then everybody and their dog overproduces and pushes the price down and the whole cycle starts all over again.

We could call Biden Captain Flipflop if he wasn’t already Hidin Biden.

Maybe he actually doesn’t even remember promising to ban fracking. :thinking:

Which is an even bigger problem actually. :roll_eyes: