Face it libs. Your candidate proves again she is just WEIRD!

This is very, very racist against my people.

Kinda like calling libs on their tendency to produce snowflakes…

Only it isn’t because the left also produces extremely weird folks too.

They go hand in hand.

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I saw where she tried a LatinX hispanico accent. :rofl:


I didn’t know that was a thing. :wink:

yes, an Indian woman faking a ghetto fabulous accent to prove she’s down with the bruthas and sistas is incredibly racist


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Love it.
She also reminds me of Miss Prissy. Desparate to lay an egg. :rofl: :scream_cat:

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How would YOU like to be christened 'Weird ’ ?
If you are Ill oblige.

If you ask me…she is kinda retarded.
At least appears like it.
She won’t speak or answer questions…yep, she must lack a few marbles in there.

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She probably wants to imitate Hillary.
But Hillary was smart but corrupt.
Kamala is stupid and insecure.

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Remmember Hillary did the same thing.
They want to get down to the audience level and ‘relate’ to them. Selling them the hey.
She treats her constituence like mushrooms.
Keeps them in the dark and feeds them…well you know what I mean.
She has nothing else to offer them.
She is so stupid she can’t even create a decent plan or a dream they can hang onto for the next 5-6 weeks.
She can’t remind them of something she’s done for them. Doesn’t exist.
So what’s a girl to do…act.
Same with the other jack her VP to be.

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Speaking of England…there in no place more enchanting than English countryside and Kinkaid-type cottages.
If I could do it I’d go there to live in Paradise these few years I have left.
You’re a lucky person, dear. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Too many weird and crazy people with no character and proper set of values.
Liberal polls and endoresments come from people who have their own gain in mind, they don’t like her either. She is not qualifyed to do the country any good.
Or they’re stupid just like she is.
Money comes from elite and bussines who want to buy influence and the back door to the WH in case she pulls it of or plan B and cheating takes place.
Normaly with disasterous foreign Policy, Economy in the sewer, Inflation that SHE caused, open border and invasion in her lap, the lying she does, she would reach probbably 75 instead of 270 Electoral C. needed to win.
Election would be over by 10 PM.

WE are not stupid.

Bozo should have more sense than to start calling all his enemies “clowns”. It’s bound to backfire.

He is weird. What else would you call someone who is obsessed with calling conservatives weird? :wink:


Ha ha ha ha ha …? Waltz was the one who started it.
Ill call his ass Red Sea and my foot Moses.

I don’t see the issue with her artificial accents. The woman herself is a manufactured plastic imitation, who care what it sounds like.

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