FAA blocks Fox News from flying drones showing migrants flooding across the border

Written by the phrench.

That’s a poem, not a policy or a law.


What’s this? A blanket denial with absolutely nothing to back it up?


I thought dims were all about drones for protecting the border…

And sensors.

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No they are not.

Would you like the list of immigrants that American nativists said would ruin the country? It starts with the Germans.

Good immigrants
Embrace the liberalism this country was founded on.
Immigrate legally
Work hard to learn the system and support themselves

Bad immigrants
Drag the garbage elements of their culture with them
Ignore the laws
Cut the line
Demand the state take care of them
Lie, cheat, steal, take and murder when they get here


they all are

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I will say this, at least the progs don’t use them for props, they really use them.

A blanket on a blanket.

these people shouldnt be considered “immigrants”

thats what the america hating left wants everyone to think.

To whom?

No, my post is as more than “nuh uh.”

You can’t dispute because what I said is true. Nativist she’s been crying that immigrants are going to destroy America since the early 19th century and y’all have never once been right. And if they’d gotten their way, you almost certainly wouldn’t be here.

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What happened to the wall that was going to stop people from crossing the USA-Mexico border?

The lib establishment built their wall against building the wall which in part, is why they own this disaster.

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Of course I can. Simply.

10% of the US population is ADOS, none of which immigrated “in the last hundred years or so,”. Already your hyperbolic “ninety nine percent immigrants” is down to maximum 90% before I even get started.

I guessing moving to the 'burbs makes some people forget about the black nation.

Latinos will probably sting bad. Might need to stock up the Bactine if I decide to keep going.

It was xenophobic.

Most Democrats want secure borders, we just believe in different solutions. The border talk just gets really muddied when too many on the right sound like nativists, angry at foreigners coming over.

They are loud and clear. You just refuse to listen. Just keep an eye out for nativist talk, and especially when commentators bring up replacement.

“Since 1619”

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I will agree that is probably true of the general democrat population, not of democrat pols. And especially not of the dem pols driving policy.

“Make Guatemala like America” isn’t going to work. We can’t do it.

What else do you propose?

Bad US Citizens
Drag the garbage elements of their culture with them
Ignore the laws
Cut the line
Demand the state take care of them
Lie, cheat, steal, take and murder when they get here

What’s your point? How many immigrants fit the above criteria?