EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff

Not hardly but nice try.

We have pointed out what I believe to be the reality of the democrats continuing reliance on January 6 as a talking point. It’s almost November…

I can think of multiple stories and issues that dwarf the events of January 6 in significance for most Americans…that was a terrible day and law enforcement has been all over investigating and arresting people involved.

Democrats in congress have more important issues to deal with. This story in rolling stone and the allegations accompanying it sound to me like typically incompetent rolling stone reporting. Publications like that destroyed their credibility during the previous administration…

But hey anything to avoid the multiple crises actually facing the country right now under the Biden administration right!


True. My apologies to swine!

Sadly I m afraid he’s right.

Democrats have got another year to destroy the country before the next election.




They seem intent upon that.

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I think this proves his involvement. Note the @ali

Yep. Now before one of them goes off on “that’s just hyperbole you need to take a breath…”

Massive inflation…unsustainable spending…wide open borders…the national embarrassment of Afghanistan…blatant attacks coordinated thru the White House and attorney general on our freedom of speech…

When libs stop governing in a manner that appears to be an assault on this country as founded that’s when I ll stop describing them that way.

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They are alert and have their thousands of experts foresee problems like this, and failing that, they use their leadership to find and fix the problems, and failing that, they take responsibility. Didn’t Biden tell us he was going to be a leader?

This has to be one of the dumbest talking points going around right now.

There will be toys for Christmas. If they’re not on shelves, they’ll come from Saint Amazon.

We could had saved ourselves a few billion if this attitude had been on display during the 8th Benghazi hearing.

…he said, knowing full well the part the Trump administration played in hurrying the vaccine to the public.

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You said developed. The vaccine was already developed.

Kudo’s to the administration for assisting with the manufacturing pipeline and approval process, but they were not instrumental in developing the vaccine. That was private industry.


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No answers to the questions? And I got spanked :rofl::+1:t5:

How was the economy in July of 2020… you know… when Trump was President and made that statement?

Notice how Trump was responsible for the worldwide pandemic that started in China but now Biden is just a bystander with nothing to do with all the problems in his administration. If Presidents have no say and no responsibility, then why do we even have them?


Funny. Obama’s “you didn’t build that” was met with anger and righteous indignation. How dare he declare it wasn’t private enterprise all on their lonesome who built everything. But also, Trump is the only one they ever give credit to for building the vaccine :rofl::rofl:

Many… lots of ports experiencing problems.

See above?

Are you suggesting that California give out more free money to incentivize port workers? Or demand that a private company go 24/7?

Fine with me, do nothing, see who the public blames when the shelves are empty.


Well that’s utterly false. The Trump administration played its significant part. I said many times the drug companies and the scientists who worked for them were the true hero’s. But make things up.


It is curious how close that divergence of bias can get in real time.

Not even trying to be objective.

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You literally just said

Which gives Trump the credit. HE incentivized them.

No, he tossed some money their way for mass production. That was his role.