EXCLUSIVE: Hannity Reacts to ‘No Collusion’ Mueller Report, ‘BLATANT ATTEMPT’ to Rig a US ELECTION | Sean Hannity

Special counsel Robert Mueller officially wrapped-up his two-year investigation into the Trump campaign Friday; informing the Department of Justice there was no evidence senior administration insiders -including President Trump and his family- “colluded” with Russian officials during the 2016 race for the White House.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/exclusive-hannity-reacts-to-no-collusion-mueller-report-blatant-attempt-to-rig-a-us-election/?fbclid=IwAR171iiAV8qtWw89H0ZILRD-GiqymgTWBjZtvUswLYWkTTS_sJ3KyBjtda8