Ewa Zajaczkowska-Hernik Unloads on the EU

Ewa Zajaczkowska-Hernik Let’s the EU have it over immigration and climate craziness:

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The violence the illegals left behind, they brought with them and instead of assimilating, they set up a small version of what they left behind. This IS on their government and each that allows this to happen in their country…including Biden/Mayorkas here in the US.


She’s right on the money! :clap: :clap: :clap:

One has to be able to tell the difference between an immigrant, and a colonist.


And you’d think Europeans would easily know the difference considering what they’ve done in the past.

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History repeats itself because people don’t remember it, and lately, crazy indoctrination. It’s coming here as well…

Their ancestors would have, not so much them today.

They will soon regret their invitation of their avowed enemies into their countries. This is really going to create a lot of wars there.
