Evidently the Norwegian Navy is taking navigation lessons from the United States Navy

The KNM Helge Ingstad, a Norwegian Navy Frigate, is in critical danger of foundering after a collision with an oil tanker. The oil tanker suffered what amounted to cosmetic damage and has returned to port for inspection before resuming its journey.

The KNM Helge Ingstad is still on scene, abandoned by its crew, listing and taking on water. It is unclear if the vessel can be saved from foundering. Tugs are currently trying to pull it to a shallow water location nearer to shore, rather than have it go down in the middle of a busy shipping channel.

The question arises. How the **** does a Navy frigate get into a collision with an oil tanker? It is a relatively new vessel, commissioned in 2009 with advanced navigation and detection systems.

Hey Jackass…there’s is oil tanker right there…can’t you see it?

I mean seriously…how can you can’t see an oil tanker?

It is just hard to imagine the chain of failures required to end up colliding with such a massive vessel.

It appears the tugs were successfully able to ground the ship ashore. The stern is submerged and much of the ship is flooded. It appears to be beyond any chance of repair.

I can’t even comprehend it to be honest…I just can’t.

What’s this…about three times in last year or so we had collisions at sea?

Ships and subs have collided many times the public doesn’t hear about all of them