Everywhere They Go They Want To Take Over

That’s right, if they get to 2% of the population, they start trouble, if they get much more, they start violence. If they get past 50%, they take over.

We can’t afford to take them in, regardless of “Tolerance” or “Diversity”, BECAUSE…THEY AREN’T TOLERANT! Never have been, never will be…

I’m not “RACIST!”, just realist.

Who am I talking about?



I’m assuming Arabs.

Recent Arab immigrants are a problem. The ones who’ve been here since the 60s are mostly assimilated and don’t cause any problems. But the new breed seems to be a bunch of lunatics.

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Therefore, it’s a mistake to bring them here…not Arabs though…includes many of them, but people from countries with the mindset…

I agree with that actually.

There’s no reason for us to take them. And they seem to be problem children. Let their own home countries deal with them is the way I look at it.

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I just think we are in for a lot of horrors if we continue bringing in, like you said, problem children.

I listened to a really good program by an Arabic Imam on YouTube once.

He pointed that out that households create trash. And countries are no different. He found it odd how the west took in the Arabic world’s “trash” and then acted surprised about it. He said we weren’t getting their best and brightest. We were mostly taking in the people they didn’t want to deal with anymore and encouraged them to emigrate.

It really made me think listening to him and reading the translation.


Wow! Great post! I wish I could see it as well.

I’m watching the unrest in UCLA and remembering Chicago burning under Obama when the law was told to “stand down.” I think most of us - law abiding citizens were flabbergasted when that was happening.

Wasn’t it President Obama when he started doing the job of Congress — writing new policies and new law without going through Congress the start of this lawlessness?

Obama stripped a lot of power away from the constitution, away from the legislative branch of government.


When the government refuses to enforce public order and safety, the people will eventually take matters into their own hands. Watching a large group of counter protesters at UCLA physically confront the Pro Hamas protesters currently on the grounds of UCLA. It has been going on for hours and LAPD has not responded.


They said the LAPD would get involved now.


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What was his basis for this statement? What exactly was he referencing?





You know who, you just spinning…

Islamo maniacs want a world caliphate and institute sharia law. Their aspirations haven’t changed since the Middle Ages.
Those who ignore this fact enable that end.