Even The First Lady "hates to see" children seperated from their families

No question about that plus when they enter illegally they subject themselves to a criminal charge for doing so which is why they get separated to start with.

I’m aware of that, but when you enter illegally, you also trigger a whole series of other questions that will gum up your claim of asylum - not the least of which is why didn’t you use the port of entry if you have a legitimate claim of asylum, and are these REALLY your kids, since you didn’t want to go through the port of entry and have a greater examination of them and you?

While you can claim asylum that does NOT excuse you to break the law. It in fact only makes your asylum claim harder to resolve.


Ok this is weird, I already replied to this post above.

I had to delete it to correct a mistake.

When will they give us an editor???


Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ border prosecutions led to time served, $10 fees

Yes we got that the first dozen or so times it was posted. What exactly is your point in constantly repeating it?

Zero-tolarence lol.

Catch and release.
