Evacuation of US Embassy in Ukraine

You’re not the one who has to go.

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How it started: “No Blood For Oil!”

How it’s going: “War on Russia!”



We should trade with the world and stop being the world police. “Protecting our interests” has driven up costs. It’s time for our friends to protect their own interest. It’s time for us to focus on our own region, and our interests within this country. We chastise Russia for crossing the Ukrainian border, while turning a blind eye to those with ill intent crossing our own. We’ll prop up a regime halfway around the world because it’s bad for optics to prop one in our own back yard. It’s ■■■■■■■ looney tunes. We need to prioritize our meddling, or get out of the game entirely because we suck at it.


Thanks progs


They sooooo need this. The prairie dog even popped out of her hole.


Another war for the US? Biden and Harris are not Putin’s and Xi’s equals. Biden and Harris are like children tasting the gingerbread house.

“behind the rock in the dark probably hides a tiger, and the coiling giant root resembles a crouching dragon”.
Yu Xin (513–581)

The name “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” is a literal translation of the Chinese idiom which describes a place or situation that is full of unnoticed masters.

From Wikipedia.

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There is literally a world of opportunity right here in the western hemisphere, where we can drive our cars to.

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What is an oil pipeline from Venezuela to Texas, Alex…rip

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Nope, just discussing things on a discussion forum.

I don’t think anyone is saying someone has to be ok with someone invading just is it our war? We seem to get involved or pulled into every conflict around the world. To me personally the Ukraine and Russia arguing are like a family affair there are huge historical ties between the two regardless if people want deny they are, Kyiv was the capital of 9th century then called Rus. I don’t even know how Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia was ok’d into NATO but I don’t see countries like the Ukraine and Belarus going that way in the foreseeable future.

The Ukraine is very close to Moscow at its north east point. The two biggest cities in Russia and the third is not even close is Moscow and St. Petersburg. Estonia now part of NATO is 98 miles from St Petersburg and if the Ukraine was in NATO, NATO would be 200 miles from Moscow. We wouldn’t allow Russia to get that close to us in no circumstance they tried during the Cuban Missile crisis. I think what a lot of us are trying to say is we understand why they wouldn’t want NATO so close. As well as it might be worst for us being there as it might become a nonstop warzone always keeping us one step closer to war.

Why you gotta be like that? Lets have a good conversation, Mr. Pig.

Therre is more to this than the Russians or Mr. Putin.

There are a couple problems in the Russia-Ukraine cliff hanger we are not discussing:

  1. Ukraine rebels do not like the Ukraine government. Those two provinces are in more of a civil war than Russian invasion.
  2. Russians are upset that the Ukies may join NATO and Ukraine citizens of Russian decent are being targeted by the government.

Sure hope we do not get dragged into a Ukie civil war.

Lets discuss instead of throwing baloney around, my dear brother. Respect goes far.

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Looks like Russia and China are expanding influence in the Western Hemisphere. One is Cuba which is 90 miles from the US. Looks like the cat is now out of the bag.

Biden’s ice cream cone just lost a scoop of ice cream on this one.

To all my woke friends and those who are beating their war drums, remember the USA was dragged into Vietnam because western colonialists supported France reclaiming a free Vietnam as a French colony after WWII. The French went back to Vietnam and got their ass kicked. The Aussies went in the save the day and got defeat by the Vietnamese freedom fights. Then the US went in. I was there, thought that it was just, lost a lot of friends, and later found out we were punked by colonialists who crafted the Vietnam war.

So, the Ukrainian separatists Freedom fighters in the breakaway provinces are up against the Ukie government and we are being sucked down the rabbit hole.


there are some people who make money on war and do not give a ■■■■ about the people affected by their war efforts…

Which Ukraine citizens of Russian decent are being targeted and how? So excited to see the source for this. Truly

I would not use the Washington Post as a source that is for sure… The ■■■■ started in April 2014. Russia in putting up the refugees from the break away provinces and the western media is trying to paint a lot of false flag bull ■■■■■ This will get out of control and sounds more like north - south vietnam concept.

We are not going to let neither setup shop in Cuba.

Sure we are: Why shouldn’t we? We support the ■■■■ in Ukaraine and we support open borders (no southern border and international migration of the masses…

Which refugees? Are you sure that the evacuation isn’t staged? How sure?