Evacuation of US Embassy in Ukraine

Minor incursion.


Yeah… when one of the demands is for NATO to pull troops back to 1997 lines… out of some NATO countries… then there is really no where to go with that insanity.


Not just pull troops remove all weapons systems too

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Yeah… that just isn’t going to happen and Putin knows it.

It’s like the “negotiations” were meant to shape the public position or something.

Meanwhile Russian tv is going crazy with patriotism and anti Ukraine propaganda

Mission Accomplished!

But don’t worry, he’s in his prime.

Now let’s kick some russkie ass. I’ll meet you in downtown moscow for vodka and pierogies next week when it’s over.

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Imo we helped set Ukraine up the same as Hungary in 1956. Stand up to Russia. We’ll support you. Don’t let them push you around. What? Russian military? Bye.


Joe the manchild gets to play Army.

Wage the dog…


You know, there’s a terrible confluence of agendas going on pertaining to this one country. They have resources, they have corruption, they have unfriendly neighbors and a treaty that some parties won’t abide by.

I heard part of a radio show several years (maybe7-8) ago that was on late at night and they were talking about “what is going on in Ukraine?” I’m pretty sure the answer was all laid out during the impeachment trial. We’re just now seeing the culmination of it.

Well he did have 5 deferments, so he’s a bit of an expert.

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He couldn’t promise Russians that Ukraine wouldn’t join NATO.

I’m tired of EU using United states for their expansionism.

Russia has every right to invaded IMO.

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Still acting like Joe Biden’s not a ■■■■ head.


I actually think that Russia is “in the right” here as well

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Not just Russians are right…it’s EU that’s the problem.

IMO It’s expansionism of EU at our expense.

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To the point of demilitarizing from Eastern Europe and allowing for Russia to take over those countries?

because Biden’s been doing so well huh?

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Russian collusion?

yea. so typical

except nowadays it’s called “gaslight the brainwashed”


Yep. Democrats made a serious negotiation between Russia and the US nearly impossible. If Trump tried to talk with Putin at all, as in Finland, they made out that Trump was probably getting his orders from Putin. The vilification of Russia was necessary as part of the vilification of Trump.