Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue - (Supreme Court oral argument January 22, 2020)

Itā€™s centgov money.

Public funds? Why should people paying for their kids to go to a decent school have to pay taxes for somebody elseā€™s kids to go to a government school?

The case might well strike down the right of individual states to decide for themselves.

Why have any taxes since other people might get an added benefit outside of yourself?

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Why should I have to pay taxes to fund wars that I deeply despise???

We donā€™t get to compartmentalize our tax dollars. If we did, I would certainly ban the use of mine for a number of functions.

I have paid property taxes all my life, in several States. A significant amount of that goes to public education.

For a portion of my earlier life, I had no school age children. Then I had children but we home schooled. Now I have no children at home, nor will I have school aged children for the rest of my life.

During ALL that time, I paid property taxes that funded public schools and I will pay such taxes for the rest of my life. I would have paid those taxes even if I never had children. We only partially utilized the services that public schools provide. Occasionally my children attended on campus for purposes of science labs or to participate in science fairs, etc. My children also participated in school sports and clubs. They simply did not take classes there.

Public schools are NOT tuition based, they are tax based. If they were tuition based, your argument might have merit. But they are tax based, meaning EVERYBODY pays for them, even if they never attend them.

Everybody pays for the county jail, even if they never spend a night there. :smile:

Asking for public money in the name of choice is a non-sequitur. I exercised choice when I home schooled. I payed for that choice myself and continued to pay my property taxes.

The public has no obligation to subsidize the choice of anybody. If you choose to home school, go to Catholic school, go to Protestant school or go to a secular private school, you should fully pay for your own choice. If you canā€™t do so, than you must fall back on the public schools. But in Florida and other States, FREE public provided home school is frequently becoming an option if you donā€™t like your local public school.

And non-public home school can be an affordable option for lower income families, particularly as there are numerous home school organizations that can provide materials at low cost.

Why should the folks choosing public schools be subsidized and those choosing private schools not?

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Your not being subsidized for public schools. You pay for them, either directly, as a property owner, or indirectly as a renter.

The people going to private school pay for both, the ones attending public only pay one.

Itā€™s a distinction without difference.

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You are obligated to pay for the public schools your whole life, even if you never have children. Just as you are obligated to pay for wars, even if you despise the war in question.

You choose to attend private school and each individual is responsible for financing their choice.

Defense is in the constitution. Education is not.

Education is in the Constitutions of all 50 States, as it is provided at the State level. I was using defense as an easy comparison.

Then the states need to run it at their level. Thatā€™s fine.

Your previous post just illustrated perfectly why itā€™s not supposed to be at the federal level. Itā€™s not enumerated in the constitution, and people who choose private schools or donā€™t have kids donā€™t benefit from it. Hence itā€™s not ā€œgeneral welfareā€.

Yet we are forced to subsidize the choices of others. Iā€™m forced to subsidize the choices of people who have kids and send them to public schools.

I was not arguing that education should be at the federal level

I have frequently argued for the abolition of the Department of Education and the end of federal interference in education.

And ā€œgeneral welfareā€ is NOT a grant of power, it is a LIMITATION on power, but that is a subject for a different thread.

Ok. I agree there.

You are forced to subsidize people that go to jail. You pay for the county jail, even though you will likely never spend a night there. :smile:

It is called commonalities. As long as the public insists on commonalities, you and I must pay for them, even if we never use them.

BTW, lets get back to the key point.

I donā€™t feel like supporting Protestant schools or Catholic schools. I certainly donā€™t want to support a school that is teaching young Earth theory, as they are currently discussing in the Religion Forum.

I would rather shut down ALL revenue programs than to see a ******* dime go to religious schools that are teaching bull **** pseudo science. There is plenty of religious based wealth. They can figure out how to fund private religious based school scholarship programs.

I wonā€™t disagree there. But what about secular sudo-science?

If it was me, I would support something similar to the voucher system.

But itā€™s tied to the taxpayer who pays it and not the student.

Nope, having a voucher does not mean the school has to accept it (or the child).

So not it doesnā€™t negate what I pointed out.

You shouldnā€™t, but at least wars is in the Constitution.