Endangered Species Acosta To Demand Civil Rights Reparations Next?

In an epic stompyfeets, Jim Acaca of CNN defies gravity. Levitates all the way off planet earf!

Dateline Tuesday:

Defiant brave Acaca accosted by frightening Trump supporter at Rally. Read the story on Breitbart.


Dateline Friday:

Acaca, titular head of the honorable opposition MSDNC NINO (News In Name Only) News Personhood proposes that the news bros and news sissies MARCH for their civil rights. “It’s the fight of our times!” he possibly declared according to unnamed sources.

Jim Acosta, CNN: Journalists should march and chant, ‘We’re not the enema of the people’

Acaca defiantly promises that he shall overcome republicans and old white men as well. No more back of the bus for Acaca! No more Mr. Nice guy Acaca! Grr grr!

In other news NINO Kitty Hat Headgear for sale on fine Internet establishments everywhere. Protest signs too.
Acaca may have said, “**IT’S A NEW NEWS DAY FOR FAKE NEWS! Grr! grr! **”


Yeah that elderly lady was very scary to Acosta evidently. :rofl:

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He deserves a medal for his bravery.

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It turns out Mistress Huma had Acosta trapped in a mummy wrap in hillary’s sex dungeon last weekend until she forced him to come out this week crying and acking a fool.

True story.

Jim Acosta really drives Trumpists crazy. I love it.


Heard about this on the radio. All i could think was, God, what a putz.

They’re really frothin’ ain’t they?

Frothy! …

Some of my best work so far. Da muchachos? Nyet comrades?

I think is so! Si!

Hey…looks like we need multiple identical threads bitching about Acosta at the Trump rally too.

Yay for Trumper Snowflakes!

Your daymare never ends bro J. Ol dynamo trumpy invades Ohio afterwhile crockydile.

Saturday, August 4, 2018: RSBN reporters Liz Willis, Tom O’Neill, Alyssa Ashe, Max Kleiber and cameraman James Willis will be on hand as President Donald J. Trump holds a campaign style rally at Olentangy Orange High School in Lewis Center, OH.

Yes…he’s spending time campaigning in a GOP stronghold he won easily…but the GOP and Dem candidate are dead even.

And yet this is somehow a nightmare for me?

You realize every time Trump stumps for a candidate in a special election…they lose?

Will you follow-up on this race if the dem wins?

Interesting that the OP calls him an “endangered species” almost like it’s a threat.

Specify. Which race?

A simple turn of phrase. If you’ll check the stats of the two groups conservatives have been the most likely to be in the endangered category via sudden death.

And while libs do any and every strange and provocative thing like it’s normal with zero concern… conservatives fear to advertise their philosophy. Libs are proven dangerous. It’s a dangerous thing for example to wear a trumphat outside of a Trump rally. It’s unwise to fly a republican party sign in the yard. It’s very foolish to sport a republican bumper sticker.

And you love it. Night riding dems.