Emergency funding for a pandemic should only be about emergency funding for a pandemic

Exactly. It shows the GOP and Trump don’t really give a care here at all. It’s all politics all the time for them.

My gosh you’ve got it baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses:

And? Stop what? Are you pissed McConnell sent the Senate home and they are not taking this up right this very minute? Are you pissed Trump is doing literally nothing today? Certainly not demanding the Senate reconvene and take up this legislation. Where is your anger at the people now delaying this? When you thought it was Pelosi, you said…

Now that it is the GOP you ask people to stop.

Totally not a cult.

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You’re precious.

At first it was “any delay is inexcusable”

Now that McConnell is delaying it is fine to take up the bill next week.

Look when it was turned over? Now give me a break. Pelosi knew what she was doing and delayed it intentionally until that point. McConnel is now playing the hand he was dealt and calling everyone back in to finish what should have already been done.

Why is the Senate not in session today, Smyrna?

In a pandemic, days matter.

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Why did they leave in the first place?

You’re telling me McConnell was powerless to keep the Senate here over the weekend?

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Ask Pelosi…she’s the one who timed it this way.

McConnell controls Senate timing, not Pelosi.

So I ask again…where is the Senate?

As has been noted, this crap tactic comes from both sides.

It’s a waste of time to focus on “this-side” or “that-side”, and duplicitous as well.

It’s both sides.

Until that (somehow magically) changes, all individuals here can do with focusing on the enemy is try to pin that political behavior on their individual opponents here.

And do that to what end?

Just like this political practice will continue, so will hating on individual members here with whom you might disagree.

Our government sucks. It’s far too bureaucratized.

It truly sucks.

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Rare moment of agreement.


But this time was the GOP’s turn to make a baseless charge.

Reimbursements in the bill were earmarked for COVID-related expenditures and COVID-related expenditures only. Hyde Amendment language wasn’t needed.

There were disagreements over other parts of the bill…”goodies”…as President Trump called them.

There are probably some good arguments to be made about disagreeing with those. Why couldn’t the GOP had stuck with those instead of making up a charge just to throw red meat to the base?

“But” just returns to the behavior I just described in my post, and to which you just agreed.

Practically every political action has some degree of “But” from both sides in it. Yelling at each other here because of it only created anger and heat, and hate for each other because “your side” is doing the “but” at “this step” or in “that clause”.

No…”but” does not.

I am referring to a specific issue here.

When an issue comes up where the Dems attach something to a bill that’s not needed…I will call it out.

There was no anger in my posts.

A charge was made the Dems tried to sneak abortion language into this bill.

They did not.

A charge was made the seems are delaying passage of a final bill.

They are not.

Of course you are.

And I’m saying that political practice is in the DNA of practically any political activity from both sides.

Good for you. That one specific issue, that one specific step … you’ve already pointed it out and are now just repeating yourself. And someone else will counter back with the one issue immediately preceding it and repeat why YOUR side is wrong.

And you’ll just keep talking past each other focusing on why “the other side” is the villain. And the heat will generate to no worthwhile conclusion.

We’re stuck with this dysfunctional government, and all we can do about it is propagate the heat and hate and dysfunction among ourselves here.

I call it money laundering!

Why are we stuck with it?

Why can’t “we the people” rise up and do something about it?

Trump was elected in part to stand against it.

Yet look at how many people complain about him! Haven’t you seen anyone complaining about him? (Often things he does that runs against the usual grain of the political process!)

If he acted “presidentially” while doing this, people like me (disaffected Republicans) wouldnt complain about him.