Elizabeth Warren … a champion of iron-fisted government capitalism

Warren can’t think of anything other than promising to continue Trump’s economic policies while pretending it’s her idea.

tom-tom tiss

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What about when a tariff is implemented, hurts an industry, so the president gives money to people in that industry? What would be a word for that?

What would be a word for a president “hereby ordering” corporations to do business in a certain way? What are some words for that, @johnwk2?

Step 1: Republicans decide the free market isn’t working
Step 2: Republicans wield the power of big government to make the free market more to their liking
Step 3: Republicans take money out of taxpayers’ pockets and give it to farmers to make up for the harm caused by their big-government market scheme
Step 4: Republicans accuse Democrats of “iron-fisted government capitalism”

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Well actually there is a law that was enacted in 1977 ( signed by Jimmy Carter) that does give power to the Executive Branch of Government regarding international commerce & trade under emergency circumstances. It’s the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, IEEPA.

So there is a basis for the reason President Trump issued the order in a public forum like Twitter which is his method of communicating with Americans and the rest of the world including China and with China’s history of dangerous products anywhere from toxic pet food & treats to Fentanyl President Trump could very well declare, or threaten to declare, an emergency and enact IEEPA against China.



She did, and she lacks credibility for it, as far as Trump and his wealth no one cares because he’s not doing something stupid like campaigning to give every illegal alien in America free Healthcare.

He does things like secure the border, brings the unemployment down to a fifty year low. Little thing like that that he promised.

Who was in control back in 1977?

Oh yeah, democrat president, democrat congress and yes a democrat senate too. :wink:

Thanks for info/reminder.

She chose the morally bankrupt rout to make such a claim with out documentation. Not professional at all.

isnt this a definition of what @johnwk2 likes to call Iron Fisted Government ?

A lot of people care because they want to know where Trump is obtaining his wealth. Loyalists don’t care because LOL Libzes.

Morally bankrupt because she trusted her grandmother. So your position is that children should insist their grandparents (and parents?) document everything. What a huge new field for lawyers. You’re not being serious!

when you can point something he says or does that is actually racist, let us know

note - saying everything he says and does is racist does not count

As I said, he has made multiple statements I consider racist. Posting them here is pointless.

All that time to think and that’s all you could conjure up? Coming from an inside man, I’m sorely disappointed. :wink:

So what do you think about Warren? She’s the subject of this thread, not Trump.

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Key words there … “I consider.”

So you are right, it would be pointless to post them.

And who stated the following?

“With bold investments, we can fight climate change, achieve the ambitious targets of the Green New Deal, and create more than a million good jobs here at home. I have a plan to invest at least $2 trillion in green research, manufacturing, and exporting:”


You know an un-American political operative is talking when that person refers to “anti-immigrant rhetoric”, rather than anti-illegal immigration, which is really what is objected to.

Most people do not consider “illegal alien” a racist comment. Only those with Trump Derangement Syndrome consider it racist.


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

It doesn’t really matter. The Congress (Both Repugs and Dems) over the last many years has been guilty of giving the President too much power. The Founding Founders intended that the Legislation branch of Government to be the most powerful out of the three branches.