Electric Cars are coming- no need to drill in Alaska

They’ll come up with some sort of IFTA for cars.

Semi trucks pay state fuel tax based on the amount of miles they drive in that state regardless of whether they buy fuel in that state or not.

I’m fine with plugging it in overnight. I’m open to upgrading my dwelling to charge it faster too. Would only cost like, 3 normal truck repairs to have an electrician set it up.

So you say. I believe what Biden says more than you.

Let people generate their own power instead of being solely dependent on the grid, like they do with those “green” homes, and the problem will take care of itself. But then those Capitalist energy companies might not be able to make so much profit. What a pickle.

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What powers your charging station? Fracking? Coal? Oil? How will you manage if Biden bans all those?

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Right waiting until biden took office was a coinky dink

Who knew one man had so much power? :roll_eyes:

We have hydroelectric. Of course it doesn’t matter when that power gets sold to other places instead of going to the people who paid taxes to build those hydroelectric plants because well Capitalism or something.

Wait, are you serious or being sarcastic?

Hydroelectric can power the entire country? Really?

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I’m completely serious. It’s been made illegal in some places. Like collecting rain water.

Those scare tactics aren’t as frightening as a check-engine light.

Not wanting to hold the potus accountable now? How convenient.


So you won’t answer. I didn’t actually expect an answer though.

Or one household can just throw up a couple solar panel and run their whole house while charging a couple electric cars.

Why haven’t we thought of that already???

Who said anything about the entire country? My beef is we paid for it, why does California get priority over us? Don’t bother. i already know why. Because they can make more selling it to California.

It’s not even close to being possible.

How will other people get their power? You still haven’t answered that. If everything is banned… fossil fuels, nuclear, fracking… how will the country get power?

Sure it is. Take away patents and other laws that restrict it and you’d be amazed how quickly it could be accomplished.

Who’s suggesting banning all of those? Let’s stick to what we’re actually dealing with, not ridiculous hypotheticals, K?