Electric Cars are coming- no need to drill in Alaska

My concern was about quality, not function.

Or having someone unplug your car to charge theirs …


Or being only spot left and an ICE car parking there.

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Dr Evil raises a pinky to his mouth and laughs…

I have become very used to reliability. I have a 13+ yr-old Tacoma and a 9-yr-old Forrester. Neither has had a single mechanical failure. The only “failures” my truck has had is a headlamp and the battery.


“Did the drive by wire fail?”

“No, just the self driving app.”

I’ve had a drive by wire system for five years now. It’s great. Haven’t had any issues with it. They’ve gotten a lot better with programming.

Early drive by wire systems had some issues. I’ve become a pro at diagnosing 2007-2013 Chevrolet truck drive by wire systems. It’s usually a bad throttle body control motor or the pedal sensor.

Bad sensors without redundancy is not good. That’s what caused those two Max 9s to crash.

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They have redudancy. The system fails safe. The throttle still works. It just feels like you have a bad misfire because it’s not accurately telling the computer what the throttle is actually at.

I’ve never seen a drive by wire system fail completely on a vehicle. Normally it’s a single channel failure. The car drives like ■■■■ but it still works. And most manufacturers set the computer to put the car into limp home mode. So you see that warning and your speed is restricted.

That’s good to know, because sensor modules in modern cars do fail.

They do. And the ones that fail deadly suck. Like cam sensors, the bane of my existence frankly. I hate those bastards.

A friend of mine has a Honda Ridgeline pickup truck that had the keyless ignition sensor go out. It not only sidelined his vehicle for about three weeks, it cost him $1000 at the repair shop once the replacement module finally came in. :grimacing:

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Nice to know how much that costs. My Civic uses the same system that Ridgeline does.

I’m not talking about power steering. Who cares about that?

I’m pretty sure no one can do that.

And I’m pretty sure they can.

Not without breaking the plug. The charge port locks when you plug it in.

With level 1 & 2 chargers?

You would be surprised. A lot of people really care about it.

Power steering or no power steering, you still maintain control of your vehicle.