Education: Now Based on Race, Gender, Sex Orientations etc

The issue that everyone is getting wrong in this thread is that it’s not separate.

White students are welcome at the Black Graduation Celebration. So are Asian students, hispanic students, Native American students, and so on. Same with all of the other celebrations.

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You’re a critprog. Some things are stronger than even race. Plus you’ve got critprog creds…

You guys seem to be subconsciously inserting the word “only” into these parties.

It’s not called the Blacks Only Graduation Celebration.

Let’s see what happens if someone tries to host a Euro-American Graduation Celebration while welcoming everyone.

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Depends on the circumstances. These are voluntary graduation parties/ceremonies being run by college groups. It’s like the Latin club holding an end of year party.

Are you in college? If so, go for it.

Way past that. But IF someone did that, they would be labeled a racist on every news show in America and probably stripped of their degree by whatever college they had graduated from.

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I’m sure you can imagine whatever scenario you want, in the search of outrage.

But it won’t change the fact that no one at GVSU has been excluded from anything.


Or forced to do anything.

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Let me assure you this recent inciting of racism and sexual divisiveness in our country is obviously not by accident, but intentional, and designed to divide and cause division among the Citizens of the United States and is part of a bigger plan to weaken and destroy the United States from within.

I suggest keeping a record of those who engage in this activity, especially those in our popular media outlets who are doing the dirty work for some nefariously evil people, for they are not innocent bystanders, but giving aid to those wishing to do harm to the United States and her citizens.

Aside from that, the bigger picture was eloquently summarized by Paul Harvey.


So,they are having separate celebrations for blacks, Asians, Latinx and Native Americans to celebrate their culture. Now whom did they leave out as not having a culture to celebrate? Oh yeah. Racists.

Where’s that “I’m a proud….” Meme again?

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:rofl: Nice

wHeN WiLl wHiTe PeOplE gEt a bReAk!

Except; race!

:rofl: the denial is epic!

Doesn’t require imagination, just literacy.

If by “they” you mean student organizations and faculty leaders, then yes. They are having separate celebrations. I’m not sure if GVSU has a “racists” club.


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Love this pretending a faculty leader or Euro-American club would ever be allowed to have such an organization or graduation celebration.


So you want to deny people’s cultures and traditions? Sounds very vanilla.

How about we strive to recognize, and celebrate the differences of the different cultures and traditions, that are many times tied to one’s race/ethnicity?