
Somebody owes you a workforce? An economy? A social safety net?

I understand this is uncomfortable for you. You don’t want to believe it. Can’t.

All you have to do is listen to them.

No… I am saying that when people enter a workforce when the economy has been destroyed and has had to make their way in a changing economy that is tilted way away from the power of the worker that the movement to use political power to change that system exists as an inherent desire and does not have to be directed from the top down.

Much like how the Great Depression led to the social safety net to “save” Capitalism, the current movement in the country to expand the social safety net isn’t to install a dictatorship of the proletariat but to once again “save” an economic system that is more and more leaving people behind.

You see… I do listen to them…

What do you mean when you say Marxism is where its going? Like Communism or something else?

Yes. First of all the economy wasn’t destroyed. Second, you enter when you enter. Want a “safety net”? Work for it.

Don’t want to get left behind? Work to get ahead.

Want a job? Don’t vote for people who illegally import unskilled labor.


Worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

And also use political power to expand it to your advantage.

Find the people who employ them, seize their property and throw them in jail… WAAAYYYY more effective.

And yet the economy wasn’t destroyed. I never missed a paycheck.

Sure. Just admit what it is.

Except it’s not. We already tried it. Your ilk gave them amnesty.

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It isn’t raining here so it must be nice everywhere,

This is going off track. What I am explaining is how the movement towards a more robust social safety net does not need a top down director in the form of the ghost hand of a dead dude in Frankfurt.

In jail for what? You think this is going away? That they come here to stay illegal? They aren’t coming here for jobs from Guatemala. They’re coming for social safety nets.

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And yet it has one.

Isn’t that just a conspiracy theory?

Okay. Lay it out then.

Convince me.

Who is behind it? Who is the network that funds all of it?

Schrodingers immigrants.

Here for both low wage jobs and the social safety net at the same time.

Is it?

I already have. You’re funding a lot of it.

Why would they come here for a low wage job when they know it’s illegal for them to work?

An unproven theory that there’s a conspiracy going on? Yes, seems to check all the boxes.

Ok then. Have a nice day.

You aren’t going to try to defend your position?

Wait… what?

Because people will illegally hire them.

Throw the people with money in jail and the problem stops.