Dupty PM of Italy call for Mass Cleansing of non Italians

Are we still bad for not being like Europe?

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Ok. We’ll see.

They were. Now what are they doing?

Why, given that diversity is such a blessing.

Is that why you have such hatred towards conservatives?

What a very weird thing to say.

Going block by block and rounding up people who are deemed to be the “Other” is not a conservative value… or at least it wasn’t last time I checked.

Been awhile since the last Gypsy pogrom.

Have they? Is there a point of diminishing returns?

They accept Islam because feminism is unattractive?

Filling up block after block with wards of the state is?

All of the Roma in Italy are wards of the State?

Is that what I said?

Well… this is a thread about Nativists in Italy who are going after Roma and other migrants.

The largest Immigrant population in Italy is from Romania. They have mainly come there to work. So a lot like the US’s Schrodinger’s migrant they are simultaniously taking jobs away and too lazy to work so they live off of the largess of the State.

Still when a head of the FIve Star movement says a very Trumpian thing like " Italy has imported 40% of Romania’s criminals" it triggers something in some people’s lizard brain that gives them permission to blame all of their ills on vague “other”

Continuing a false narrative of a Nativist zero tolerance or countries will be “overrun” or “invaded” by the Other is not going to end well. It will end in human misery.

As someone who agrees with some views that are considered “Conservative” as well as others that are labelled as “Liberal”, I don’t believe that the mainstream goal of either is to increase human misery.

Do U?

So no, that’s not what I said. Glad we could agree.

Perhaps not, but they are certainly good at it.

The situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States – Survey results at a glance, a joint FRA, UNDP, World Bank
and European Commission publication, presents the main findings of the combined data of the UNDP and
FRA Roma surveys, including on poverty and employment:
• On average, about 90 % of the Roma surveyed live in households with an equivalised income below
national poverty lines.
• On average, around 40 % of Roma live in households where somebody had to go to bed hungry at
least once in the last month since they could not afford to buy food.
• On average, fewer than one out of three Roma are reported to be in paid employment.
• One out of three Roma respondents said that they are unemployed.
• Others said that they are homemakers, retired, not able to work or self-employed.

Yeah, wards of the state.


Yeah, that’s more a liberal thing. “You work for Trump? No service for you, get the ■■■■ out of my restaurant!”

On average, fewer than one out of three Roma are reported to be in paid employment.

Isn’t that like a 66% unemployment rate not counting women and kids?

Crazy what generations of systematic discrimination will accomplish.

Then you don’t know your world history,three of biggest mass killers weren’t conservative by any means.

In fact they all believe in strong central goverment under their rule.

you still haven’t figured it out yet after all there years being on Hannity forum.

So we agree that going block by block to round up the “Other” is not a Conservative Value.

Good to know.

I look forward to your alliance as good people denounce this ideology.