Dune Part 2 (2024 Movie)

I’ve been trying to get into the books. So far it has yet to really pull me in but I’m still churning.

I enjoy a good movie in theaters though, so looking forward to watching this one with the fam.

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Ha, he is definitely someone you want on your side.

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You gave a movie an A grade.

Did someone mark down the date and time?



The Dune novels are a difficult read at the beginning but worth persevering with.

I think some of the challenge is Herbert opens up Dune without much scene setting, as you read on the story starts to come together and you get very connected to the world. Some of this is could be due to the fact that a lot of the first book was not really planned out but just an idea dump by Herbert as he wrote.

For anyone who likes Dune but also huge sweepong sci-fi stories I highly recommend Peter F Hamilton. His world building is among the best. He has a fair few stand alone novels but his Commonwealth saga is among the best sci-fi space opera I have ever read. It spans centuries and opens with the first manned mission to Mars landing only to be greeted by two college students who have perfected wormhole technology. This technology underpins the entire Commonwealth universe and is integral to the story.


Unless I’m mistaken didn’t most of what became Dune debut in a science fiction magazine?

It would make sense the structure would be really weird if that’s the actual origin. Starship Troopers was the same way.

Yes it was printed in one of the SF magazines of the day but I think he had already written a lot of what would eventually by the novel. It took a lot of revisions and rejections before the first novel was published.

I am no Herbert expert so some of the above could be incorrect.

Yes … A trilogy with four parts goes right over my head and I don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue:

The wife and I are heading to the theater to see this right now.

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I very much did.

Although they had the volume set way too loud. Must have been over 100 dB at times.

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Should be even better on the 4k DVD when it comes out.

Dolby vision and atmos for the win! :grin:

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I found my new best friend!! :heart::heart: :joy::joy:

I have read some of Hamiltons books three four times!

I don’t understand when Alaistar Reynolds gets folded into this mix though. It’s space opera but the books are for physics nerds

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Ha ha, I agree about Reynolds. Its mentally exhausting trying to understand his books.

You aware of Hamiltons next novel later this year?

Its a collobration with a new RPG video game but Hamilton has said he has been given creative freedom.

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Oh wow i was not.

I was considering reading his ya book but not sure if i will do it.

I am going through the night dawn trilogy now

Again :person_facepalming:

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where should I start?

I’ve read the Dune series multiple times, and currently finishing up another re-read of LOTR. Looking for something new.

I just finished re-reading that last year!

Are you referring to his Arkship Trilogy or Queen of Dreams. Arkship Trilogy is currently Audible exclusive but well worth it. I have not read Queen of Dreams.

have you read the Wheel of Time series by Jordan? it has a LOTR feel…

The first novel was awesome….the second pretty good…and then the story fell off a cliff.

My take.

I started with his Nights Dawn trilogy. Behemoth of a story, lots of characters and subplots which eventually come together.

His earlier work is solid such as the Greg Mandel series. His stand alone novel Fallen Dragon is a self contained universe so I think that could be a good place.

IMHO Hamilton really found his writing chops with the Commonwealth and Void books. However if you want to jump into them make sure you read Pandoras Star first.

Heres hoping you love Hamilton as much as me and FreeandClear.


Arkship trilogy. I think Queen of drama is a kid book.