Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

You’ll never penetrate that programming.


And i believe auten worked for mueller as well btw.

I don’t know since Durham’s whole theory is that the FBI were the victims.

…am I rubbing off on you? :sunglasses: :+1:

That’s still gross lol

I have been saying they need to be disbanded forever

Between warrantless rapping of the civil rights movement, waco etc.

They have been a bad actor for quite some time.

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I was naive and oblivious to this prior to Comey’s dissertation on why Hillary shouldn’t be prosecuted.

That the director of the fbi can go on record and determine what the law says in place of the prosecutorial wing of the doj is pretty bad. Reopening the investigation and then backtracking all within a month of an election is equally bad.

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You thinking you know what durham has/doesn’t have, thinks/knows is always good for a laugh.

He has dolan on the stand today apparently. Should be good for some entertaining finger-pointing and bus-throwing-under.

We are seeing it play out in court.

Why? What did Dolan do?

you mean besides the perjury he’s about to commit?

What perjury are you expecting Dolan to commit?

Big day yesterday.

durham got danchenko’s fbi handler, helson, to admit under oath that he submitted paperwork to activate danchenko as a paid informant saying there was no derogatory information about danchenko even though danchenko had earlier been under investigation.

helson also claimed to not be aware of the prior investigation and was unable to access those records, though durham says helson could have.

And apparently bryan auten, yes the same bryan auten, was a part of the original counterintelligence investigation into danchenko back in 2011…hmmmmmm???

And finally, thanks to that “emptywheel” idiot (thanks @jezcoe) a part of the Wednesday trial transcript she posted seems to indicate that part of danchenko’s defense regarding the claimed millian phone call(s) revolves around the idea that millian had multiple phones (a mysterious “212” number used other than a “404”) and this was demonstrated with a defense exhibit showing communications between millian and george papadopolous and highlighting the metadata. Ummmmmmm…okay, but that would also mean that the fbi, who claims to have investigated millian, never investigated his other communications from that number and/or apparently never made durham aware of that number or any results of the investigation into it.

Sloppy work all around by the investigators.

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And this is why I don’t think that Danchenko will get a conviction. The first count against him is an incident that took place long after everything was set into motion.

IMO Durham has backed himself into a corner by having a story that the FBI was the victim of people lying to them and at the same time they were messing up the investigation left and right.

Not sloppy. It’s intentional. It’s another form of an “insurance policy”. The FBI needs to be cleansed and potentially some, indicted.

What’s being spotlighted, is exactly what I believed I was seeing in 2016 when I began this thread in the old forum. Drip, drip, drip…

Yeah, auten was clearly put in place as someone’s guy. It’s got to be nearly impossible to be that incompetent by accident.

It’s all been/being exposed and this is your only opinion??

It is Danchenko who is in legal jeopardy over this… not any of the agents who supposedly screwed up.

Maybe so. But you’ve been harping on for years about how the IG report was like word from God on high, and durham is just a babe in the woods who won’t find anything, but he’s clearly unraveled big parts of the hoax.

More to come…

I don’t see how Durham has negated anything in the Horowitz report.

If anything he is showing even more so how the Steele Dossier has gained a perception of outsized importance when it was used for one thing… and the thing that it was used for was pretty plausible.

durham is a product of the system. he will, even if he doesn’t intend to, protect the system