Drag Queen Hired as Elementary School Principle

All of them? All gay people tell?


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Notice the defense the left is mounting in the OP of the pedoTranny?

No concern for the children, only a continuance of the all consuming Trans agenda at any cost, including children.

We see it every day across the country. Transing kids, Trans propaganda, Trans celebration, Trans indoctrination, Trans mutilation of children, Trans pole dancing in libraries and elementary schools, Trans, Trans, Trans… Shameful cross dressers, tranny’s and flaming clepto tranny gays inside the Biden cabinet to embarrass and disgrace the United States before the entire world, foisted on us by a crooked and deceitful traitor as president.

…but ignore all the problems they are causing, and ignoring the economic impact of the democrats policies. I believe the day of reckoning is on it’s way…


Well. They aren’t trans and the charges were dropped. So ….

The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has finally gone mad!

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Thanks for proving my point.

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He is neither a pedo or trans.

Your point was wrong.

And you know that pedo thing how?

According to you.

And…you prove my assertions as well…

That’s fair. I don’t know that, any more than the OP does know that.

With that said, he’s never been convicted of anything.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Nonsense. You accused me of defending a pedo and trans person, and he is neither of those things.

Jos Biden had brought more shame and disgrace on the United States than any other president.



:+1: :+1: :+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The left defends that over the lives of children.

Well. This was fun.

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This is not a true statement.


Only because proof of age in the porn could not be established. What about the drug charges?