Don't really need these assaults on the Pendleton Act

Strzock should be in prison.


i disagree. the incoming director should not have to assign people so they can do no harm. if they don’t fit the job they’re in, get rid of them. period


Methinks a little too much process is available…


A guy I once worked with (still see occasionally) was a union representative who defended people whom the government wanted to fire, chiefly due to incompetence. He once told me that he had never been assigned to defend someone whom he wouldn’t have fired himself.


I could almost see someone getting a far off look after telling that story to continue unemotionally saying ‘I’m really good at my job…” and then “oh well, thank God for AA!”

I hearted it, but took it back.

Civil servants aren’t our representatives. They follow the legislation our representatives pass. The president should too.


they should follow it according to the interpretation and direction of the president. the representative of the american people we elected to supervise them.

Except in many cases they don’t follow it.

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#1 This couldn’t be true as Trump** told us, he hires only best.

#2 Trump** made his own selection of the 9000 employees that HE selected either personally or through his transition team. If he did not have a list of qualified people of similar ideologies it was because HE failed in organizing his transition team.


The key being we elected him to supervise them, not to pick them.

He’s the manager or coach, not the owner. We are the owners. He gets to nominate his assistants.

Trump is a horrible judge of character.

except… no. i’m sorry, but your nightmare “evil president” rhetoric doesn’t impress me. this is 2022 and no president would do any such thing. however, i would not be opposed to converting all those pensions to 401k’s so they can take them with them and getting rid of the pensions entirely. or at least doing it going forward.

and yet you can’t fire them either?

such ■■■■■■■■ you come up with for excuses.

pssst… managers can fire employees. thats why they get paid.

the president is the only elected representative of the american people in the executive branch with any constitutional authority. as such, when he fires someone it is us firing them

Andrew McCabe ring a bell?

Trump would have done it. Not just because they were retiring.

:rofl: You must be joking.

and? the president fired him, he could and likely should have earlier.

must be nice to have space in someone’s head that informs you of what they would have done with nothing more than your psychic ability to inform you.