Donald Trump. Best President ever?

But only killed once.

Have you seen the unemployment rate and how many people are off of food stamps?

The economy is going to slow to a crawl.

It’s easy to see.



You have a point there. Not a chance Trump is re-elected. Fool you twice etc.

The Unemployment rate dropped below 5% before Trump became President.

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^ if Trump could write Mattis’ resignation letter

W got elected again by bringing out Bin Landen tapes and finding Swift Boat Lairs for Bush. Wishy washy Kerry was too slow to do anything to stop it.

I like your schtick. It’s funny watching people try to Poe and make fun in a good humor sort of way. Lol

The top 2 of my lifetime are Reagan and Trump. :+1:

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Nothing wrong with a slowdown, It can’t stay this hot forever. But I don’t expect it to tank unless taxes are increased and regulations re-implemented. And the fed should not have jacked interest rates. That wasn’t smart.

Thanks buddy! I appreciate the compliment. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know right? Democrat actors. They are all nut jobs.

Do you honestly believe the things you write?:roll_eyes:

Conservative actors is much more accurate, are are we to believe liberal Democrats of today had the same small government, state right Outlook that democrat of old had?

Trump promised 4%

Promise not kept?

Yes or no?


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I don’t remember trump promising a slowdown in his third year.


Anyone who believes Trump, will believe anything.


No. It’s a total whiff. Pick up a history book. Democrats were the party of slavery. Lincoln was a republican. Glad I could help.

I’m guessing you trusted Hillary?:sweat_smile:


Not my first choice, but she was clearly the only adult in the final reckoning.