Don like the so called "deep state", shall we repeal the Pendleton Act and make all 2 million federal employees subject to the absolute will of the President for their office

I saw what you did MW…:roll_eyes::rofl:

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It’s a damn good thing Trump didn’t fire the whole freaking Travel Office staff. People here would be losing their ■■■■■

Because you know,

And, as a whole, Democratic Presidents have made relatively few terminations that would be out of the ordinary.

Even though it was out of the ordinary to do so.

It’s really not

This will leave the door open to those who are enemies of America and enemies of the President to surround him and have direct access and the ability to sabotage him.

And then, some might say, that BOTH sides can play that game, so that makes it fair.

But the idea is that the country and the government have been dragged lower because we only think of tit for tat.

The government should be able to hire the best people for the jobs and politics should be kept out of their hiring practices as much as possible and non-partisanship in employee job performance should be scrupulously monitored and enforced.

Nobody is saying they shouldnt be able to remove people…its the context around it…you know the typical reason we argue about trump.

Of course. It’s not like we need people who know what they’re doing to work for the government.


Oh Lord, what a bunch of crap. Just because you are a govt employee does not mean you should NEVER be fired or there isn’t someone who can do the job better.



Hyperbole is awesome, isn’t it!

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I think every new employee should swear allegience to a new President every time. That way we know they can be trusted.

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Nice rebuttal.

It was a worthy reply to its target post.


Worthy is not the word I would use.

Of course you wouldn’t…:rofl:

Prove it. :wink:

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Do you know why tenure was instituted?

Well, I for one believe the tendency of the current administration to exercise petty revenge against employees who over the smallest slights warrants tenure protections as much, if not more than ever allowed before. We need people in govt to be able to offer real opinions and advice without fearing the
know-nothings at the top of the administration will discharge them just because “The Boss” disagrees.

My belief is, having people who know what they’re doing as the backbone of government operations
over-rides the comfort those at the top gain from having toadies and yes-men all though the ranks.
Dynamic leaders understand this and encourage retaining experienced employees, even though
some of them may occasionally disagree with their political views.



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Speaking of well thought out rebuttals…Right RTChoke? :grin:

The op is logical is respected…who doesnt see conspiracy and doesnt play victim with every topic.

Then you tell me what I want goverment to do other then go away?