DOJ Report Drops

Well, that’s not true either - the IG does have document subpoena power. They can’t compel testimony, but they can compel the production of documents, and can compel answers to interrogatories.

But yes, you are correct. Comey, McCabe, and everyone else testified willingly, for hours.

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Well no, you made that up.

Uh not really…

My Dad was a mechanic on a major US Air Force aircraft. He told me a story about one of his buddies leaving a wrench in the aft bay of the aircraft. There are EXTENSIVE processes in place to check in and out tools, check for FOD and so on. However somehow this was missed.

There was an IG investigation that took place an they determined that there were many holes in the process, but the tool found did not affect the integrity or the aircraft on the ground or in flight because the process included specific procedures that prevents a tool from ever being left in any part of the aircraft that can adversely affect the flight.

Process resiliency is a sign of a good process and it seems like the FBI has a bit of resiliency in their FISA process.

Found some goal posts folks…


Actually no…they are…

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Yes. It said that also.

It also said there was no evidence of intentional misconduct.

Both things can be true.

Did he leave 17 wrenches in the aft bay?

Until one is answered, the other is not proven.

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Same thing happened in the Mueller report.

You learn to get over it.

There’s nothing for me to get over. I do find it fascinating how they claim to able to overcome human nature while denying their incredible arrogance.

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People have biases.

Whether or not those biases affect the job is the question

Multiple reports have said that it hasn’t.

At some point one should accept reality instead of what one wants to be true.


Wigle has its own tasting room there now. Even though the retail bottles are way overpriced in my opinion, the tasting room at the William Penn is fun (“make your own old fashioned” happy hour is novel)

The distillery is… I’m not sure - I’m there four of the next eight days…will take a note.

Nope, but more than one person left a tool on the aircraft. Hence the IG investigation.

Not really. Unlike you folks I’ve not been waiting with bated breath for the report and was too busy today to even watch or listen to the news.

I can live just fine with the error.

Multiple reports. Two. From within the organization.

We wouldn’t accept this behavior from a cop in a small town.

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So your analogy falls a bit short?

Two is a multiple.

Hey… don’t accept it. No one is forcing you to.

But, reality will continue to pass on by.

Yes, it is. Nice try.

I accept that it is Horowitz’ conclusion. Conclusions are funny things. You ever see someone try to apply root cause analysis to human nature?

Do you believe there is a culture in the DOJ that transcends every other factor?

The reality is Trump is still President and will finish his term and quite likely be reelected.


What is that, Latin or some ■■■■ ? Get that outta here dude.


The complaining. It’s incessant.

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