DOJ Formally Acknowledges Trump Lied to Congress

I have not abandoned anything. I simply know how to listen to this American leader.

If Trump said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you…”

You libs would be filing lawsuits saying that the president is violating your first amendment rights, creating a gag law that prevents you from requesting anything from the government. Maxine would be ahollering. Lib lawyers would be buying new Mercedes. Libs here would be screaming impeachment.

Seriously dude… you people have lost it.

In recent weeks you’ve admitted to abandoning logic and now grammar.

Like I said earlier, you aren’t looking for truth, your looking for affirmation. As in: how can we make Trump statements say what I want them to say. If you don’t want Trump to be disconnected from reality or an abject liar, you have to do things like abandon logic.

I mean it’s pretty pathetic the lengths you’ll go through to maintain the faith in this man. I used to admonish him because he clearly didn’t respect your intelligence. It’s hard for me to blame him

If I want intelligence in someone, I won’t be looking on the direction of politicians . Even “statesmen” are best when just modestly endowed with IQ. Too much and they ponder things too long. Too much and they think that they should speak for and represent those poor souls in the middle of the bell curve. Too much and they think they should care for - like pets - the poorer souls on the other side of that curve. Even in the judicial and legislative branches, too much intelligence and next thing you know they want to become social engineers.

I’ll look for intelligence in scientists, writers, philosophers, historians, … and engineers :slight_smile:

Edit: … and if I ever needed one… a lawyer.

Oh this is my new absolutely favorite post

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What a wonderful excuse-maker.

My comment wasn’t about the intelligence of politicians. It’s about respect for their electorate.

Depends on the definition of is is.

Oh bravo for this spin!

To say Trump lies is to make a category error.

Trump cannot possibly lie because he does not use words to convey information.

The deplorables?

I really have no idea how Trump refers to you behind your backs. By the way he acts, he has very little respect for your intelligence.

The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”

What was The political or social objective of the Convicted killer?

Now if you say there was an objective I ask:

a grand jury had indicted Roof on 33 federal charges: nine counts of using a firearm to commit murder and 24 civil rights violations with 18 of the charges carrying the federal death penalty.

Why only charge him with murder and civil rights violations?

Or did they determine he didn’t fit the legal definition of commiting terrorism?

(In my book, and I’ve said this before on the other board – definition of terroris needs to be updated to cover things like this, the movie shooting, the cafeteria shooting in Cali, the night club shooting, shool shootings . . . . )

As two people… we would have little to say go one another… maybe small talk. I don’t like to be around business people. In general, they bore me.

So… I have little respect for their talents too.

Speaking of boring.