DOJ creates special unit to target ‘domestic terrorism’

I agree with all of these statements.

It does? Why?

I read the OP, it didn’t sound anything like that to me.

What kind of abuse are you referring to?

I’m having a hard time imagining any 4th Amendment abuses that will somehow be prevented by quartly reports to Congress.

Agreed. How does this “task force” target anyone who disagrees with the administration’s policy objectives?


No doubt you do, if what you’ve said before is accurate.

Those are facts. But feel free to counter them with your own evidence

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Venezuela fell when the socialists tried and failed to institute a command economy, with redistribution of wealth, through strict price controls and government seizure of private enterprises. The bottom fell out before oil prices fell, and then it really cratered after they did. But Chavez, and now Maduro, made sure that they, and their cronies were taken care. Because as always, some are more equal than others on the animal farm.

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Not every thread, those in which you© advocate socialism, socialist policies and tendencies, trends in that direction, etc.

You© need to be reminded on basically a daily basis that you© have no idea what you’re demanding with these childish tantrums.

I doubt Oregon or California are shooting straight at all with mail in ballots.

Cheating would please them right down to the ground imo.

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Organizations in contact, or infiltrated by a foreign intelligence service are legitimate targets for national security operations, Those with no foreign intelligence connection, engaged in purely domestic political discourse are not legitimate targets. But I wouldn’t expect the offspring of the SDS to understand that.


Got it. F.B.I. investigations into domestic terrorism = libs want Venezuala. Makes perfect sense.

You© guys are absurd with this stuff.


It was failing well before that.

Ah corruption exactly. Is corrupt unique to socialism?

Domestic terrorism = “purely political discourse”. You read it here first, folks.

That plot to kidnap Whitmer? Discourse.

Pipe bombs at The Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center? Discourse.

Oklahoma City? Don’t be silly. Discourse

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Matching signatures?

Venezuela went from the strongest economy in South America, with a growing middle class before Chavez, the Socialist ■■■■ Storm it is today because of socialism. That is the reality of the situation. And we have had 2 calls in the last month, by leftist intellectuals in this country, calling for Biden to implement price controls to control inflation, just like Chavez tried in Venezuela when his stupidity caused inflation there.


Just admit it libs want to make it easier to cheat the


Exhibit A for trying to use disparate and unrelated incidents to justify a sweeping anti-terrorism program.

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The economy was failing before Chavez. There are like history books and stuff.

Is corruption unique to socialism?

I’m not saying some of socialist policies didn’t have an impact. I’m simply saying it wasn’t solely because of socialism. There was a lack of export diversification, volatility of oil, corruption and social policies.

None of which we are suffering from in the US.

Export diversification isn’t the issue, it is the balance of exports to imports that matters. I know you are not arguing that our extremely unfavorable trade imbalance is a good thing.

Volatility in Oil, cutting our oil production has exposed us to massive cost increases across all sectors and made our trade imbalance even worse.

Corruption-really with that pack of hogs in Congress on both sides.

Social policies and spending are quickly bankrupting the nation. The real ■■■■ storm comes when Social Security is officially insolvent and the mandatory benefit cuts are triggered.

So tell me again…



Of course they are disparate, even separated by years. It doesn’t change the fact that they were instances of domestic terrorism. Two of them actually were thwarted by the FBI.

Also, a special unit in the FBI is hardly a “sweeping program”.

Venezuela built their entire economy on 1 commodity. Oil.

We do not have that problem in the US.

Our economy is not built on Oil exports. Venezuelas was.

We have Chavez like corruption? Got any examples?

You need to prove this.


Paying large bounties to parents who sue school boards, states and nationwide - limited gummint.

The feds opening one domestic terrorism office - sweeping anti-free speech dragnet.

You know how this works.


You noticed that too, eh?

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