Does Uncle Joe stand a chance?

say it aint so joe? say it aint so.

20yr olds where? lol
My brother has 5 adult children 19 to 27. None of them talk about these issues at all, ever. Most 20yr olds can’t name the VP, how government works, etc. They talk about everything but the topics you listed.
Paid parental leave lol lol yup it’s the number one hot topic with 20yr olds Rising health care costs as well. lol lol

The neo liberal billionaries still run the show. Money will decide the Democrat nominee.

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Thats true. Bernie and cortez love to say how much socialism will help everyone else. While their rich supporters help them.

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I voted straight Republican back when I was around 20 years old.

I voted straight Democrat.
Sit and listen to an average group of 20yr olds.
They are not talking those topics. Paid family leave? Nah

lol. no

The bane of human existence in their eyes.

Grandpa Simpson will perfect.

Hillary the woman for the win.

Not a chance

Biden wouldn’t be kissing dictators butts.

Economy is slowing down. Why would we continue the ineffective tax cuts that aren’t helping the economy?

10 Golden EIB points for that one

As much as I hesitate to be excited do Biden, if he gets a Beto or Harris, claim a one year term and turn it over to VP to continue in, I’d be down for that.

Most 20 year olds are trying to figure out how they can get into the club since they are not 21.

Nearly every 20 year old in a nit wit. And it’s not their fault. They have zero adult life experience and their brains have not fully developed yet.

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That’s none of my business. I don’t judge what people need. Why does George Soros need billions?