Does This Ring A Bell?

Antidote to hypocrisy.

No, because you (copyright) almost wholly use it as deflection, which makes “butwhatabout” hypocrisy unto itself.

It’s not an earnest attempt to discuss the topic.

Your first post in this topic was to try do the bothsiderism dance instead of an honest “yes, those who criticized Christie were asinine partisans.”

I didn’t deflect anything. Those are good examples of repugs giving credit where credit is due. Any from the progs?


Yes, deflectionism.

I understand. Bitter. Tsk, tsk.

You came into this thread, not discussing the topic that was presented in the OP, but attempting to dig up some gotcha or hypocrisy, and what makes it especially laughable is that you expected someone besides yourself to do the work to find out if your premise is true.


I hope no one was standing near you when you typed that, because it seemed like quite the knee-jerk :rofl: :rofl:

If you had a post where OP attacked Governor Democrat for giving credit to President Republican during a major crisis, maybe you’d have a point.

We all remember the Christie/Obama thing. Despite Christie’s years of HARSH rhetoric against Obama, he was very harshly attacked for giving the sitting president credit for doing what the president is supposed to do in a time of crisis. There was a strong right-wing reaction against Christie. That’s a fact.

The Christie/Obama situation was emotional due to being so close to the election. This one is relevant as DeSantis is seen by many in the right-wing as the current front-runner for '24. If Biden and DeSantis are able to work together like this, when necessary, are people going to poopoo DeSantis like they did Christie? Why not use it as a positive and say “hey, when ■■■■ hits the fan, he doesn’t play games, and gets the job done”? That’s how they spun it in 2012, and that’s how “they” are spinning it for Biden now. That’s the real question that should be asked, not “lol, progs are bad too, right?”


What you can’t find one dem governor being a bigger man and thanking a GOP president for helping out so you posted that big long spin?

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I could easily post Gavin Newsom thanking President Trump. But this thread is not about that.

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It’s how intelligent people process information. We compare and contrast a thing/event/behavior with other things/events/behaviors that we have previously processed. It also keeps us intellectually honest since two like things should elicit the same response from us.

I don’t have an issue with either of these events. I was genuinely impressed that Obama made that effort at the time.

Literally no one believes this.

It was a really lame ass attempt at “lol, libs sux too,” and as I pointed out, what was particularly lame about it was expecting someone else to do the work prove the petty deflection.

This has already been addressed. Try reading posts.

Try not being rude. You didn’t address it, you whined about “whataboutism”.

Your whataboutism, and expecting someone else to prove your whataboutism deflection, was addressed.

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This is how a president is supposed to behave…and a Governor as well at times like this. A president is supposed to offer help and not put conditions on it.


DeSantis will make for a fine President.


Do you really think he will mount a primary run against Trump?

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You bring up an interesting point. Since “reversed tribes” were brought up, how many times did Obama or Biden threaten to withhold aid from a red state governor for ANY reason? A quick Google search doesn’t help much.

Remember when Trump threatened to withhold aid to fight California wildfires? Remember when he directed FEMA not to help, then changed his tune the VERY next day because EVERYONE was going after him for it?

Trump doesn’t live in my head. :man_shrugging:


The anti-small government tyrant, who doesn’t see the difference between shopping at Walmart for 30m and sitting behind a desk for 8 hours, will make a damned fine president.