Does this mean single party rule forever?

No clue. Is this a new thread?

Congress. Bush tried to get immigration reform through. And neither side wanted to touch it. And they havenā€™t since. However I think that Biden will start the discussion again. And some Republican members of Congress might be willing to look at DACA and other programs with a new viewpoint. Which is saving their jobs.

And that mix so far has resulted in large majority support for Democrats. See no reason that would change.

Has it gone up. Gop support by Latinos

Overcoming election fraud is going to be tough enough. :angry:

I thought Obama made it up to 57 states already

Sure, we paid good money for them to do so this time out, $2400 each.

Too bad thereā€™s no real evidence of that.
Sorry that the Trump train is about to end its run.
The good news is that 2024 is only 4 short years away.

Are you sure thatā€™s why? Again with the single issue nonsense.

Not agreeing with the overall premise here so just responding to your post. The reason is that most illegal immigrants are at the very bottom of the economic ladder and would benefit greatly going on the government dole.

That would be a problem if that actually happened, gooddad :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What reason then? UE and rising wages? As if covid didnā€™t happen and those gains arenā€™t gone. By the way, not saying only Latin people voted for more government checks, I am sure many others did as well.

So. You voted for Biden hoping he would not do what he has promised?

Amazing! :roll_eyes:

Catholicism, ue, abortion, rising wages, Christianity, socialism ptsd, religion

No doubt about it. Since they do not have the education or language skills to be paid 15 bucks per hour, welfare is the only other option.

Already lots of them on one dole or another.

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Is the ā€œinvaderā€ narrative back in style? Or is this just a boring playback?

As to the OP question, no it does not mean single party rule foreverā€¦didnā€™t you hear? Trump did very well with Latino votes

All of them will be when Joe raises the minimum wage to 15 bucks per hour. They will be priced out of a job. When these illegals are legalized will farmers suddenly start paying them 15 bucks per hour with vacation, insurance and a 401k match? Nope, they will look for another few million illegals to pay slave labor. Then Biden will be forced to legalize them too.

Doing well in this instance being entirely relative. He didnā€™t come close to winning them.