Does the President have Absolute Power over the Country and States

Well of course you loved him. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

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Sure…sure you did.

Didn’t say criticizing Trump. You just made that up.
I said never defends one conservative policy or conservative.
Unless that so called conservative is standing side by side by the leftist.
A conservative would be defending conservative policies no matter who the President is and not be silent and just go to Trump bashing threads.
Seems funny when so called true conservatives defended the government over reach of a lib president and libs in the house and senate but never stands with conservatives on one issue.
A true conservative can disagree with an elected GOP official but still support the same official when they are pushing conservative policies.
What a true conservative does not do is support the leftist because they hate one man.

so a true conservative would support Trump declaring he has absolute power because they would never agree with Liberals.

Watched it happen on this very board.
If you criticized Obama or even didn’t vote for him you were racist.
Were those people idiots?

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Why did Obama write law and create DACA with his phone and his pen if he didn’t think he was King? What happened to congress than?

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What conservatives were calling people racist for criticizing Obama? I had my fair share of racist accusations for opposing Obama, but I don’t recall any of those accusations or insinuations ever coming from someone claiming to be conservative?

Show me one conservative who said they support him?
Seems to me that the conservatives on here are laughing at the libs sudden change of heart who are now all for states rights.

you saw some posters identify all criticism as based on brown man bad. Some and a lot of it was because brown man bad. It’s a shame we didn’t have an ODS thread in trivia pursuit. Oh wait we did. It ran for over 100k posts and crashed the board!!!

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Conservatives in this very thread brought up the interstate commerce clause as a defense. Federal supremacy was another defense brought up. One of those pesky originalist ideas lol

You even liked a post that was dealing with the interstate commerce defense:

And yes the states right issue being brought up by peeps on my side of the aiscle is pretty funny.

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Anyone who was here knows who they were.
Since it’s against TOS to names names why are you asking?

Read the Thread.

I didn’t see it as a defense of Trump as much as bringing up something for libs to argue against proving just how partisan they are when they proclaim to be so superior and stand by their morals.
What you can’t find is one conservative saying I agree with Trump. But it’s funny watching the leftist support something they call conservatives racist for.
Tell me what is not true about every President acquiring more power for the federal government? Leftist even like the fed having more and more power.
Whats not true about the states insisting that the fed bail them out?
What’s not true about the facts that the fed can put in language that the states do what the feds want in return or no money?
Tell me when does the fed hand out money and it not come with caveats?
Seems to me that I have stated many times that I don’t farm any more because I refuse to bend to the fed and take money from them. You want to know why? Because if you take that money they own you. Same with the states.

Have can’t find one conservative saying Trumps right. Just see libs now defending something they call conservatives racist for.

Glad we can set this precedent.
Maybe President Biden will use his absolute Power to combat Climate Change.

who called conservatives racists for not support federalism.


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Because I have been here for a long, long time now. Over 15 years. And I do not remember a single conservative doing what you profess to have “watched happen on this very board.” I’m asking because I do not believe you.

Get back to me when Trump forces one business to open.
Until then it’s all just screaming at the sky by leftist.
Most libs seem to really like a king president because they are the ones who are always saying how they are going to use the office of President to go around congress.
They were silent under Obama when he used his phone and pen. Now they can’t wait to get back in the big house so they can go around congress and enact all their dreams.
Just look at them threatening to enact climate change without congress, gun control without congress, amnesty for all and open borders without congress. Now tell me who is more like Putin?

Are you going to once again try the ■■■■■■■■ of claiming I did this champ? Put your money where your mouth is big guy.

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