Does the President have Absolute Power over the Country and States

Yeah, mealy-mouthed workarounds like this where you can’t bring yourself to condemn things that even the hint of when it involves a Democrat causes you to go absolutely bat ■■■■ crazy.

You guys are scared to criticize Trump, even on an anonymous message board. It’s fascinating.


TPM…Trumper Panic Mode.

Oh I did.

Doesn’t seem so.


They are “true” conservatives. :wink: :wink: :wink: :rofl:

If you don’t support Trump your not a Conservative!

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this thread is fun, 700 + post of Republican giving up their belief they held for two decades to support a used car salesman and own liberals.

Sorry, bruh. I’ve been a vocal critic of Trump from the get go.

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The ACA was a law written by congress.

If Obama thought he had absolute authority, why would he need congress?

If you spend 100% of your time defending and supporting libs your not a conserative.

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But in over 700+ posts can you find one post from a conservative saying that Trump has the right to order businesses in states to open?

Lol stop, he doesn’t do that.

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Says a lib. We know you all like him because he agrees with everything you say. Good for you.

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Lol sure. :joy_cat:


criticizing trump is not ‘defending libs’.

Yes he does.

That’s it in a nutshell. Some defend libs 100 percent of the time and then expect you to believe they are conservative, republicans, or both. They even get upset to be questioned about it.

Amazing. :roll_eyes:

Criticizing Obama is not racism.





Most of the so called true conservatives/gop go far beyond that and do indeed defend libs and liberal beliefs at every opportunity.

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