Does raising of Mexican flag going to help the left cause?

Probably not as powerful as a father and daughter lying face down in the Rio Grande but hey, go with what you got…

By a few bad actors.

Haley made it sound like it was done by Democratic Party-supported protestors.

It’s more campaign ad fodder for the GOP because it’s the type of insane anti-American activity that Democrats support and it needs to be exposed as much as possible during the next election.

Just look at how many libs flocked to this thread to support what happened and to denigrate those who take issue with what happened.

Who either a) supported what happened or b) denigrated those who took issue with it happening?

Nearest I saw was someone asking about priorities about what certain people get upset about.

Dropped a word…corrected it in the original post.

The answer is no.

They already have answers provided by the CEC and their own pre-conceived opinions. Reading anything would not support their opinions.
Look at the Mueller report. None of them read it, just listened to tubby Barr spew his pro-trump propaganda and viola!

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What I have seen on this thread by some posters is a disdain that some posters contributing to this thread seem to attach a greater import to actions done to an inanimate object (i.e. a flag) than showing compassion, empathy and charity to fellow human beings.

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Go nuts. Use it. Get angry! Just like the “caravans!!!” Worked so well during 2018 mid-terms.
And Democrats will use the poor father and daughter who drowned. And Trump’s recent tweet about Congresswomen.

And you can thank Scalia for that ruling. Johnson vs. Texas 1989

Does this mean you’ve changed your mind about abortion?

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Just putting this out there:

My opinions about abortion are that they should be as rare as possible, but making them illegal will cause much more harm than good.

How about children being locked up in barbaric conditions by the US government.

What is your opinion on that?

I couldn’t possibly disagree more. There is no justification for the over 60 million unborn babies who have killed since Roe started.

Then we will disagree.

I do think that as a nation we should be more concerned with the living than those who are not yet born.

I get why the unborn are the perfect constituency to advocate for. They don’t ask for anything. They make no demands.

Once they are born though and start to make demands… that is another story.

Here in New York, they are segregated by income not race or ethnicity.

I see plenty of multiculturalism on my way to work every morning.



The unborn are living just as much as anyone else. Just as bad to kill them as anyone else.

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Ahhh the rub in the 2018 election was the Mueller investigation, things will be “no collusion, no obstruction” different in 2020.

I say GO FOR IT if moron Dems want to exploit the death of the father/child who drowned while crossing illegally and parade the Congressional coven of witches if they feel that a winning combo!

Eh no. The unborn are quantifiably less living than anyone who is actually you know… living.


I bet God’s definition is a tad different.