Does raising of Mexican flag going to help the left cause?

Yeah, it’s not like our own president didn’t cross a major line recently with a tweet, thus driving more swing voters away from him.

LMAO… How is that walkaway movement coming along?

I wonder how posters on this forum feel about underwear featuring the USA flag. How indignant or ambivalent are they about that?

They are still trying to make “fetch” a thing.

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Be careful… I don’t know if we are allowed to talk about it.

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What it clearly shows are their priorities and that is truly appalling. Compassion and empathy appear to have no place in the actions and words of some people.

I don’t think you and I are thinking about the same tweet.

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You mean if you see undesirables at a protest, you can disassociate yourselves from them?

You don’t have to hope some politician recognizes that there are “good people on both sides”?

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The protest devolved into civil disobedience as trespassed onto federal land.

I personally would have not trespassed during a protest. Thats not my thing.

and also defacing the American flag and running it up upside down is also not a very good idea.

along with the raising of the Mexican Flag and taking down old glory.
would not do that either.


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You just leave the protest. Its really easy. it was going to be a protest not civil disobedience. Once some of the protesters crossed the line. Just leave.


Yep. i disassociate from trespassing, defacing the American flag and raising the Mexican one.

Bad idea.


Imagine if some of those “good people” had done that at Charlottesville…

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I protest in a respectful way in this instance, there are times for civil disobedience (although I personally wont do it).

I understand the frustration with the current admin, but the best thing for a citizen to do is oust the current admin next year.


What is it about this disrespectful act screams to you more lefty than lefty left? Did they fly the hammer and sickle?

So they’ll fly the flag of the country that many of these people are fleeing claiming the need asylum because it’s so bad there?

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No they just don’t live beside each other or hardly interact. We hear the success of multiculturalism in America (Not in Europe) but when you look at the cities they are everyone segregated. Then the other half of the population just flee the cities altogether.

Having a common language is a very good bond for a society, according to Obama.

where are you getting this from?

There isn’t a damned thing different! :roll_eyes: A US Flag was taken down and replaced with a Mexican flag and a blue lives matter flag was defaced and that is the entire story!

The image will make great campaign ad…that and 4th of July flag burning.