Does Mexican cartel want war?

With the drug cartels, a 100-hour GHW Bush-like war should about do it, if the Mexican Army comes in immediately after to clean up.

In 91 or 03?

That’s like taking out ants with a flame thrower.

Better idea: send the drones on a new direction towards large Mexican population centers.

Now you can blame the cartels for the deaths, sit back and fire up a freedom smoke as the citizens and government of Mexico kill the cartels for you.

All with minimal use of US forces. :wink:

That’s for the geeks to play with. :wink:

sounds kind of like the failed policy of reciprocal force. I’m an overwhelming force kinda guy


the government is the cartels, the citizens are not armed

SIGiNT is for locating targets, not neutralizing targets.

I’m impressed with how fast some Trump voters went from “No new wars!” and “Trump is the peace candidate!” to “Occupy Gaza!” and “Invade Mexico!” It’s been what? Two weeks? :sweat_smile:


This “proportional response” got you the situation you’re in.

Who said anything about invading?

Who said anything about invasion.


According to Grok the cartels make an estimated $20b to $30b each year.

With that type of money at their disposal it might be a tad more difficult to eliminate the cartels than we think.

I suspect there is a plethora of US politicians, businesses, law enforcement and even serving military who are the beneficiaries of some of those dollars. Heck they might not know (but possibly suspect) who is actually funneling that money to them. Every man has his price even if its not a monetary price.

Read the thread.

Lemme know when any of it actually happens and I’ll give an actual opinion. :wink:


Yeah, I’m not too worried about it just yet. Trump ran on avoiding military conflict in foreign nations, which is one of the things I like best about him. He’s mostly been good about following up on his promises, so I’ll assume this is bluster until he proves me wrong.

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If they target American personal…I want our military to kill em.

Of course, but it seems more complicated than that. Maybe Trump can use tariffs and other means to get Mexico to kill them for us?

On one side, you have raving lunatics running to their favorite tabloids in order to say, “See?? Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia are calling Trump a liar liar fire pants!1!”

One the other, there’s intelligent people who understand how obvious a demand for the region to police itself up is, which will be followed up by conversations and deals that are not listed in some loser’s favorite tabloid section 15 minutes after the President is done speaking. :wink:

As far as Mexico is concerned, it’s not a foreign war. It’s protecting our local borders. The Military could take out every cartel leader’s houses in Mexico, in one fell swoop, right this minute without a single boot on the ground.

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Why do you have to make ■■■■ up? Trump has not proposed declaring war on and invading Mexico. And “occupying Gaza”? That is a post war idea (one that will never go beyond his fanciful ramblings) not a “new war.”

What a ■■■■■■■ concept that is.

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You’re reading it wrong. Deliberately I presume.