Does Joe Biden Drive?

I’d pick something else.

But that would be a guess, supported by an opinion that you cannot substantiate. Right? What is your guess?

Same as yours so mine doesn’t matter either.

Ok. I guess we should get back to the topic. Which is Biden. Not Trump.

They were doing one of those goofy golf cart parades, there were anti-Trump people with signs and the one dude started yelling white power at them, like, six seconds into the video.

Has anyone dropped the “liberal plant designed to make Trump supporters look bad” explanation or are we sticking with “lone crackpot?”


I don’t know much about “The Villages” other than the goofy golf cart parades, 4:00 happy hours and a high rate of STDs. I could see an old dude getting a little sidetracked.

That was more info than I truly needed.

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