Does "follow the money" explain the push for COVID vaccinations for children?

Not true. I had gall bladder removal surgery, basically outpatient, and was tested the day before for Covid before I could be admitted.


That is honestly the stupidest ■■■■ I have read.

The vaccine is the vaccine no matter what the brand name is.

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This is a silly as when the left says that Fox has all the appearances of being a quasi-official propaganda outlet for the GOP and/or calls it Fox-GOP.

“Safety: The vaccine’s safety was studied in approximately 3,100 children age 5 through 11 who received the vaccine and no serious side effects have been detected in the ongoing study.”
source: FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use in Children 5 through 11 Years of Age | FDA

“The Pfizer & BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Pediatric study for children 6 months to 11 years old first began in March 2021. The study compares the study vaccine against a placebo (injection with no active ingredient) to learn if the vaccine can produce an immune response against COVID-19, and if it is safe, in children 6 months to 11 years old. The study includes three age groups: 5 to 11 year-olds; 2 to 5 year-olds; and 6 months to 2 year-olds. All participants are given the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 study vaccine during their time in the trial. Participation in the study lasts approximately two years.”

Why should I trust Jordan Schachtel over the FDA? This smells like another conspiracy theory.

My wife was tested for shoulder surgery, and we live in FL. It would be stupid to not test individuals, for covid during admissions. I highly doubt what he said. It would be a liability nightmare if they stuck a covid positive person in a room with a person with other problems and then they died.

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The vaccine may be same functionally but not from a liability standpoint. The vaccines are so safe that the manufacturers are deathly afraid of accepting any liability.

It is all about Benjamins.

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This official in New York explains that they have been creating alerts based on a small number of hospitalizations of children in order to scare parents into getting kids vaccinated.

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What do you mean liability?

The vaccine would be covered by the 1986 vaccine compensation law no matter what.

Whatever the name is, it is the same vaccine.

That sub stack dude is being stupid for money

Perhaps you’re on team “let the kids get Covid” but I’m not. I prefer the less risky “get them vaccinated instead” approach. And I’m sure the adults who work with these kids in the schools appreciate it to.

Does that mean those advocating against the vaccine for kids are also responsible for every child death due to Covid complications?

Yes…IMO they do but there has not been enough time regarding testing to actually prove yes or no? Both granddaughters caught COVID and they were over it in a few days. There also do not appear to be any side effects. Now it’s Omicron and no one has died. As a friend on this site, I wouldn’t let the children get vaccinated…that said, I got mine. The factors in each decision are different, resulting in different decisions.