Does congress have the right to Trump's tax records?

Well, history tells us that the IRS missed about $500,000.00 in owed taxes that were found on Nixon’s tax returns after Congress did their oversight.

When one starts a post with a logical fallacy (“witch hunt”) and tries to build upon that, they show that they have no critical thinking skills.

Congress does, because of a law.
What will you say when it’s proved that Trump has been lying all along about this “under audit” nonsense?

You realize that there was a criminal investigation regarding Nixon? Right? It was not a fishing expedition simply searching for anything they could find. Big difference.

This is not critical thinking.

Should every democrat who is demanding the President’s tax returns be willing to release their own tax returns? You know, walk the talk?

You mean like every Democrat presidential candidate has for decades?


So the president isn’t afford the right to be secure in his papers? And against unreasonable search and seizure.

I think congress SHOULD have to get court approval and PROVE to a judge they need the information.

No tax returns are being “released”. Fat Donald’s returns and the supporting documentation and relevant IRS documents will be reviewed by the members of the relevant committees by virtue of their statutory authority.

When the Congress investigated Nixon there was not a criminal investigation. Congress had some rumors and inside information that set them on course to investigate. Same with Trump. He and his son’s have all mentioned foreign money and projects. So there will now be an investigation. If you believe that Trump is innocent I think you shouldn’t be complaining about the process. Don’t you want to know if our president is clean or dirty?

Hopefully it that law gets challenged in court. My belief is it is unconstitutional.

Based on what?

The law does not require the house ways and means committee to justify, in any way, why they are requesting the records. They can not disclose them with the consent of the taxpayer.

And many laws get challened years after they were passed and found to be unconstitutional.

Why are so many people filling up their Depends over the House committees performing oversight?

Aren’t tax returns government records?

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By law, congress has a right to view his tax records and also by law, they cannot display them publicly.

Again, they don’t have to get any approvals from anyone. It’s the law.
I’m sure though, that fat donald will fight this tooth and nail and it might end up in court where they will eventually make the decision.

Lol… It’s been in place since 1924 and used numerous times and challenged. Still there…

Here is an example the Senator Grassley used the law…

Uhhh no, they have a law passed by congress, that could be challenged in court. I hope Trump does just that.

There was a Wategate break in. Committed by the committe to re-elect the president. If it wasn’t that, then what was the premise?