Does anyone here genuinely respect/admire politicians?

You do realize where the money ends up now, right?

You take the money out of it and add term limits, the “media” will lose interest.

■■■■■■■■■ There are 146 million voters in the US. Its complete crap to say the majority of them let the media to decide for them.

Personally I had and have great respect and admiration for both Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke.

When the only way to hear what they have to say is when someone in the media decides to give them air time, they most certainly will be the gate keepers of who gets elected.

I admire Obama. Not politically, but as a human.

His existence in the Oval Office will inspire many Black kids to think bigger. It was a monumental moment that shouldn’t be taken lightly… regardless of your political leanings.


I agree 100% and he handled it well.

What the hell is up with the democrats and their bad jokes? Biden and “you ain’t black” and now Whitmer saying her husband name dropped her as a joke when asking if he can get his boy in the water when no one else is allowed. Not jokes.

Stop projecting which is something a lot of us do about the media. We watch it and discuss it but The majority of voters ar only paying passing interest to the media if at all.

We are the anomaly because we are political junkies. Most voters are just not that invested in the process.

The projection comment was not a personal attack but badly worded on my part. I am trying to say we are political and media junkies so we think everyone has the same interest as we do.

That is ridiculously wrong.

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Stunning turn around from Russia stole the election with Facebook ads to media doesn’t matter in elections.


Where did I ever say that?

Silwy wabbit…it’s different. Just ask any lib trying to sell their political agenda. :sunglasses:

All moot anyway, established precedent, supreme court, campaign donations = speech. Don’t like it, amend the constitution, good luck.

Agreed. I feel the same about Jimmy Carter.

I respect those who step away from their professions to serve in Congress or the Senate (or as a mayor, council rep, etc) for a few years, and then step down and allow someone else the opportunity to serve. I do not respect those who boast of, and make, “a career in public service.” Elective office was never meant to be a career or a path to personal enrichment.

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I respect a few here in MD because I personally know a few(one which has been close friends with my mom for years) down at the state house on both the senate side and house delegates. I have a hard time admiring politicians because once we do many stop doing their job and/or impactful.

My Statement is not universal truth. Like any job and any position there are bad people, people with bad motives, etc.
HOWEVER -Most of the politicians ive meet over my years on all sides are good people. For the most part, These people gave up a making more money in the private sector to serve the public. They know they have to spend more then their salary every 2, 4 or 6 years just to get the job back, Be away from their families, travel non stop.
Some like it, some done. But almost all of them felt they were doing it because they wanted to help. Either help a cause they felt strongly about, help the people they knew, or help the country they love (Or all of them). They feel like they could bring something to the table and help.
Very few of them were just going thru the motions, they almost all truly cared.
Almost each and every one of them could talk to you for hours about detailed policies and their positions and who or what it will effect. Most of them could even lay out a strong detailed argument AGAINST their position, because they try to understand the opposition to make it better.

At SOME point in their life, they took a risk and gave up everything they had, spent more money they they would make in a year, and took a risk they would win.

Yeah -I know how they don’t sound like that, most politicians hate the system and money in politics as much as you and I. But they know to do anything they first have to win. To win it will take money. Lots of money cause your opponent is gonna spend a lot of money. To raise money you need to get attention. To get attention you cant just discuss policy at a town hall,you have make a splash. Best way to do that, is attack your opponent.

Most politicians often LIKE their opponent. They talk before debates, before campign stops, at events. They make jokes, talk about family. But they can’t get attention, and therefore raise money, and therefor win by saying “Bob is a good guy. But we disagree on the capital gains tax rate and here is why.” No- they have to go out and say "BOB wants to turn this country into a socialist state and take all your hard earned money because he loves teen age Russian girls! "

They don’t actually want to do this. They would MUCH rather spend elections having town halls and policy discussions vs fund raising and attacking.

And sure -We can sit here and say “Well -they have the power, change it”. But they can’t. Because as soon as someone tries - someone will come along and say “I wont change it” and will then get the attention and money and take the job.

Very often politicians have a choice of being True, honest, and pure policy driven, or to win.
Now -Is this true for everyone? of course not.

But for a majority? Yes. So yeah, I do.

I see the Lincoln Project can smell blood in Kentucky and are going after Mitch.

I know and work with several politicians. In fact, had a Zoom with one today. Generally, they reflect the American public: most are good folks who love their country and care about their constituents. Those qualities can and do change, however, because the cost of running places fundraising at the fore, making access limited to only those who can help money or votes.

I say implement a draft. A lottery. Pick names from a hat and that’s your Congress. Kidding…kinda.

Are you kidding many love these positions of power. It’s one of the only “jobs” in which many of those who get into it want to stay in well into their 70’s, 80’s and even into their 90’s or until they croak. Try being a plumber, a roofer, welder, carpenter, etc., well into your 70’s and 80’s. With all the people I know, (and I personally know a Congressman) with all their different occupations they can’t wait to ■■■■■■■ retire! The sooner the ■■■■■■■ better! Clearly these positions are not difficult “jobs.” As far as I understand it can elected as Senator and sit at home and watch TV for 6 years, right? Does the person actually HAVE to do anything?